TSMC Reports Fourth Quarter EPS of NT$1.26

    VI. Recap of Recent Important Events & Announcements

        -- TSMC Announces Process Technologies For Integrated LED Drivers
           ( 2009/12/15 )
        -- TSMC and Motech Announce Strategic Partnership ( 2009/12/09 )
        -- TSMC Recognizes Supplier Excellence at Supply Chain Management
           Forum ( 2009/12/04 )
        -- TSMC Launches Automotive Process Qualification Specification and
           Service Package in China Market ( 2009/11/27 )
        -- TSMC Announces Settlement of SMIC Trade Secret Litigation
           ( 2009/11/10 )
        -- Infineon and TSMC Extend Technology And Production Partnership
           Agreement; Will Jointly Develop 65nm Embedded Flash Process
           Technology For Automotive and Chip Card Applications ( 2009/11/05 )

                    Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets
           (Expressed in Millions of New Taiwan Dollars ("NTD") and
                          U.S. Dollars("USD ")) (1)

                                   December 31, 2009        September 30, 2009
                                        (audited)               (unaudited)
    ASSETS                          USD      NTD        %        NTD      %
    Current Assets
      Cash and Cash Equivalents    $5,347  $171,276    28.8  $156,935    29.0
      Investments in Marketable
       Financial Instruments          766    24,521     4.1    23,384     4.3
      Accounts Receivable - Trade   1,105    35,382     5.9    35,881     6.6
      Inventories, Net                653    20,914     3.5    19,176     3.5
      Other Current Assets            240     7,711     1.4     8,865     1.7
         Total Current Assets       8,111   259,804    43.7   244,241    45.1

    Long-Term Investments           1,182    37,845     6.4    38,553     7.1

    Properties, Plant and
     Equipment                     30,204   967,419   162.7   911,844   168.3
    Less: Accumulated
     Depreciation                 (21,660) (693,744) (116.7) (675,028) (124.6)
         Properties, Plant and
          Equipment, Net            8,544   273,675    46.0   236,816    43.7

    Other Assets                      730    23,372     3.9    22,287     4.1
    Total Assets                  $18,567  $594,696   100.0  $541,897   100.0

    Current Liabilities
      Accounts Payables              $365   $11,689     2.0   $10,633     2.0
      Payables to Contractors and
       Equipment Suppliers            903    28,924     4.9    15,666     2.9
      Accrued Expenses and Other
       Current Liabilities          1,173    37,571     6.2    28,401     5.2
      Current Portion of Bonds
       Payable and Long-Term
       Debts                           30       949     0.2       309     0.1
         Total Current
          Liabilities               2,471    79,133    13.3    55,009    10.2
    Bonds Payable                     140     4,500     0.8     4,500     0.8
    Other Long-Term Liabilities       375    12,015     2.0    15,761     2.9
         Total Liabilities          2,986    95,648    16.1    75,270    13.9

    Shareholders' Equity
     Attributable to Shareholders
     of the Parent
      Capital Stock at Par Value    8,087   259,027    43.6   259,007    47.8
      Capital Surplus               1,732    55,486     9.3    55,440    10.2
      Legal Capital Reserve (2)     2,414    77,317    13.0    77,317    14.3
      Special Capital Reserve (2)      --        --      --        --      --
      Unappropriated Earnings (2)   3,265   104,565    17.5    71,899    13.3
      Treasury Stock                   --            --            --                --            --
            Others                                                    (41)      (1,312)      (0.2)          (778)      (0.2)
                  Total  Equity
                    Attributable  to
                    Shareholders  of  the
                    Parent                                      15,457      495,083        83.2      462,885        85.4
            Minority  Interests                            124          3,965          0.7          3,742          0.7
                  Total  Shareholders'
                    Equity                                      15,581      499,048        83.9      466,627        86.1
        Total  Liabilities  &
          Shareholders'  Equity                  $18,567    $594,696      100.0    $541,897      100.0

        Note  :
        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.  dollars
                at  the  rate  of  NT$32.030  as  of  December  31,  2009.
        (2)  Certain  prior  period  balances  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  to
                the  current  period  presentation.

                                        Consolidated  Condensed  Balance  Sheets
                      (Expressed  in  Millions  of  New  Taiwan  Dollars  ("NTD")  and
                                        U.S.  Dollars  ("USD"))  (1)  (Continued)

                                                    December  31,  2008
                                                              (audited)                      QoQ                            YoY
        ASSETS                                      NTD                %          Amount          %          Amount          %
        Current  Assets
            Cash  and  Cash
              Equivalents                  $194,614        34.8    $14,341        9.1    ($23,338)    (12.0)
            Investments  in
              Instruments                      16,836          3.0        1,137        4.9          7,685        45.6
            Accounts  Receivable
              -  Trade                              18,497          3.3          (499)    (1.4)      16,885        91.3
            Inventories,  Net              14,877          2.7        1,738        9.1          6,037        40.6
            Other  Current  Assets        7,795          1.4      (1,154)  (13.0)            (84)      (1.1)
                  Total  Current
                    Assets                        252,619        45.2      15,563        6.4          7,185          2.8

        Long-Term  Investments        39,982          7.2          (708)    (1.8)      (2,137)      (5.3)

        Properties,  Plant  and
          Equipment                            862,461      154.3      55,575        6.1      104,958        12.2
        Less:  Accumulated
          Depreciation                    (618,816)  (110.7)  (18,716)      2.8      (74,928)      12.1
                  Properties,  Plant
                    and  Equipment,
                    Net                              243,645        43.6      36,859      15.6        30,030        12.3

        Other  Assets                          22,671          4.0        1,085        4.9              701          3.1
        Total  Assets                      $558,917      100.0    $52,799        9.7      $35,779          6.4

        Current  Liabilities
            Accounts  Payables            $6,043          1.1      $1,056        9.9        $5,646        93.4
            Payables  to
              Contractors  and
              Equipment  Suppliers        7,999          1.4      13,258      84.6        20,925      261.6
            Accrued  Expenses  and
              Other  Current
              Liabilities                      34,543          6.2        9,170      32.3          3,028          8.8
            Current  Portion  of
              Bonds  Payable  and
              Long-Term  Debts                8,222          1.5            640    207.7        (7,273)    (88.5)
                  Total  Current
                    Liabilities                56,807        10.2      24,124      43.9        22,326        39.3
        Bonds  Payable                          4,500          0.8              --          --                --            --
        Other  Long-Term
          Liabilities                          17,237          3.1      (3,746)  (23.8)      (5,222)    (30.3)
                  Total  Liabilities      78,544        14.1      20,378      27.1        17,104        21.8

        Shareholders'  Equity
          Attributable  to
          Shareholders  of  the
            Capital  Stock  at  Par
              Value                                256,254        45.8              20        0.0          2,773          1.1
            Capital  Surplus                49,875          8.9              46        0.1          5,611        11.2
            Legal  Capital
              Reserve  (2)                      67,324        12.0              --          --          9,993        14.8
            Special  Capital
              Reserve  (2)                            392          0.1              --          --            (392)  (100.0)
              Earnings  (2)                  102,338        18.3      32,666      45.4          2,227          2.2
            Treasury  Stock                          --            --              --          --                --            --
            Others                                        194          0.1          (534)    68.8        (1,506)  (777.5)
                  Total  Equity
                    Attributable  to
                    Shareholders  of
                    the  Parent                476,377        85.2      32,198        7.0        18,706          3.9
            Minority  Interests            3,996          0.7            223        6.0              (31)      (0.7)
                    Equity                        480,373        85.9      32,421        6.9        18,675          3.9
        Total  Liabilities  &
          Shareholders'  Equity    $558,917      100.0    $52,799        9.7      $35,779          6.4

        Note  :
        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.  dollars
                at  the  rate  of  NT$32.030  as  of  December  31,  2009.
        (2)  Certain  prior  period  balances  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  to
                the  current  period  presentation.

                            Unaudited  Consolidated  Condensed  Income  Statements
            For  the  Three  Months  Ended  December  31,  2009,  September  30,  2009,
                                                            December  31,  2008
                      (Expressed  in  Millions  of  New  Taiwan  Dollars  ("NTD")  and
                                                      U.S.  Dollars  ("USD")  (1)
                          Except  for  Per  Share  Amounts  and  Shares  Outstanding)

                                                                                            4Q  2009                          3Q  2009
                                                                                USD            NTD            %            NTD            %
        Net  Sales                                                    $2,849    $92,094    100.0    $89,936    100.0
        Cost  of  Sales                                            (1,466)  (47,399)  (51.5)  (47,078)  (52.3)
            Gross  Profit                                            1,383      44,695      48.5      42,858      47.7
        Operating  Expenses
            Research  and  Development
              Expenses                                                    (203)    (6,567)    (7.1)    (6,202)    (6.9)
            General  and  Administrative
              Expenses                                                    (101)    (3,269)    (3.6)    (3,541)    (3.9)
            Sales  and  Marketing  Expenses                (38)    (1,217)    (1.3)    (1,131)    (1.3)
        Total  Operating  Expenses                          (342)  (11,053)  (12.0)  (10,874)  (12.1)

                  Income  from  Operations                  1,041      33,642      36.5      31,984      35.6

        Non-Operating  Income,  Net                            44        1,427        1.6            519        0.6
        Investment  Gains                                                9            299        0.3            454        0.5
        Income  before  Income  Tax                        1,094      35,368      38.4      32,957      36.6

        Income  Tax  Expenses                                      (77)    (2,508)    (2.7)    (2,285)    (2.5)

                  Net  Income                                          1,017      32,860      35.7      30,672      34.1

        Minority  Interests                                          (6)        (194)    (0.2)        (121)    (0.1)

        Net  Income  Attributable  to
          Shareholders  of
          the  Parent                                                  1,011      32,666      35.5      30,551      34.0

        Earnings  per  Share  -  Diluted                $0.04        $1.26          --        $1.18          --
        Earnings  per  ADR  -  Diluted  (2)            $0.19        $6.30          --        $5.88          --

        Weighted  Average  Outstanding
          Shares  -  Diluted  ('M)  (3)                          --      25,916          --      25,984          --

        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.
                dollars  at  the  weighted  average  rate  of  NTD32.320  for  the  fourth
                quarter  of  2009.
        (2)  1  ADR  equals  5  ordinary  shares.
        (3)  Total  diluted  weighted  average  outstanding  shares  were  25,942M
                shares  for  4Q08  after  the  retroactive  adjustments  for  stock  dividends
                and  stock  bonus.

                            Unaudited  Consolidated  Condensed  Income  Statements
            For  the  Three  Months  Ended  December  31,  2009,  September  30,  2009,
                                                            December  31,  2008
                      (Expressed  in  Millions  of  New  Taiwan  Dollars  ("NTD")  and
                                                      U.S.  Dollars  ("USD")  (1)
              Except  for  Per  Share  Amounts  and  Shares  Outstanding)  (Continued)

                                                                    4Q  2008                      QoQ                          YoY
                                                                  NTD            %        Amount          %        Amount          %
        Net  Sales                                    $64,562    100.0    $2,158        2.4    $27,532        42.6
        Cost  of  Sales                            (44,367)  (68.7)      (321)      0.7      (3,032)        6.8
            Gross  Profit                            20,195      31.3      1,837        4.3      24,500      121.3
        Operating  Expenses
            Research  and  Development
              Expenses                                  (4,826)    (7.5)      (365)      5.9      (1,741)      36.1
            General  and
              Administrative  Expenses    (2,285)    (3.5)        272      (7.7)        (984)      43.0
            Sales  and  Marketing
              Expenses                                  (1,062)    (1.6)        (86)      7.6          (155)      14.6
        Total  Operating  Expenses        (8,173)  (12.7)      (179)      1.6      (2,880)      35.2

                  Income  from
                    Operations                        12,022      18.6      1,658        5.2      21,620      179.8

        Non-Operating  Income,  Net        1,412        2.2          908    174.7              15          1.0
        Investment  Gains                            (340)    -0.5        (155)  (34.0)          639    (187.9)
        Income  before  Income  Tax        13,094      20.3      2,411        7.3      22,274      170.1

        Income  Tax  Expenses                      (452)    (0.7)      (223)      9.8      (2,056)    454.7

                  Net  Income                          12,642      19.6      2,188        7.1      20,218      159.9

        Minority  Interests                        (196)    (0.3)        (73)    60.2                2        (0.8)

        Net  Income  Attributable  to
          Shareholders  of
          the  Parent                                  12,446      19.3      2,115        6.9      20,220      162.5

        Earnings  per  Share  -
          Diluted                                          $0.48                    $0.08        7.2        $0.78      162.7
        Earnings  per  ADR  -
          Diluted  (2)                                  $2.40                    $0.42        7.2        $3.90      162.7

        Weighted  Average
          Outstanding  Shares  -
          Diluted  ('M)  (3)                      25,942                          --          --              --            --

        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.
                dollars  at  the  weighted  average  rate  of  NTD32.320  for  the  fourth
                quarter  of  2009.
        (2)  1  ADR  equals  5  ordinary  shares.
        (3)  Total  diluted  weighted  average  outstanding  shares  were  25,942M
                shares  for  4Q08  after  the  retroactive  adjustments  for  stock  dividends
                and  stock  bonus.

                              Audited  Consolidated  Condensed  Income  Statements
                                For  the  Year  Ended  December  31,  2009  and  2008
                      (Expressed  in  Millions  of  New  Taiwan  Dollars  ("NTD")  and
                                                      U.S.  Dollars  ("USD")(1)
                          Except  for  Per  Share  Amounts  and  Shares  Outstanding)

                                                                                For  the  Year  Ended  December  31
                                                                                            2009                                    2008
                                                                            USD            NTD              %            NTD              %
        Net  Sales                                                $8,998    $295,742    100.0    $333,158    100.0
        Cost  of  Sales                                        (5,063)  (166,413)  (56.3)  (191,408)  (57.5)
            Gross  Profit                                        3,935      129,329      43.7      141,750      42.5
        Operating  Expenses
            Research  and  Development
              Expenses                                                (657)    (21,593)    (7.3)    (21,481)    (6.4)
            General  and  Administrative
              Expenses                                                (343)    (11,286)    (3.8)    (11,097)    (3.3)
            Sales  and  Marketing  Expenses          (137)      (4,488)    (1.5)      (4,737)    (1.4)
        Total  Operating  Expenses                  (1,137)    (37,367)  (12.6)    (37,315)  (11.1)

                  Income  from  Operations              2,798        91,962      31.1      104,435      31.4

        Non-Operating  Income,  Net                      105          3,455        1.2          6,335        1.9
        Investment  Gains  (Losses)                          1                46          --              702        0.2
        Income  before  Income  Tax                    2,904        95,463      32.3      111,472      33.5

        Income  Tax  Expenses                                (182)      (5,997)    (2.0)    (10,949)    (3.3)

                  Net  Income                                      2,722        89,466      30.3      100,523      30.2

        Minority  Interests                                      (8)          (248)    (0.1)          (590)    (0.2)

        Net  Income  Attributable  to
          Shareholders  of  the  Parent              2,714        89,218      30.2        99,933      30.0

        Earnings  per  Share  -  Diluted            $0.10          $3.44          --          $3.81          --
        Earnings  per  ADR  -  Diluted  (2)        $0.52        $17.21          --        $19.05          --

        Weighted  Average  Outstanding
          Shares  -  Diluted  ('M)  (3)                      --        25,914          --        26,236          --

        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.  dollars
                at  the  weighted  average  rate  of  NTD  32.868  for  the  year  ended  December
                31,  2009.
        (2)  1  ADR  equals  5  ordinary  shares.
        (3)  Total  diluted  weighted  average  outstanding  shares  were  26,236M  shares
                for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008  after  the  retroactive  adjustment
                for  stock  dividends.

                              Audited  Consolidated  Condensed  Income  Statements
                                For  the  Year  Ended  December  31,  2009  and  2008
                      (Expressed  in  Millions  of  New  Taiwan  Dollars  ("NTD")  and
                                                      U.S.  Dollars  ("USD")(1)
                          Except  for  Per  Share  Amounts  and  Shares  Outstanding)

                                                                                            For  the  Year  Ended  December  31
                                                                                                            Amount                              %
        Net  Sales                                                                              ($37,416)                      (11.2)
        Cost  of  Sales                                                                          24,995                        (13.1)
            Gross  Profit                                                                      (12,421)                        (8.8)
        Operating  Expenses
            Research  and  Development  Expenses                                  (112)                          0.5
            General  and  Administrative  Expenses                              (189)                          1.7
            Sales  and  Marketing  Expenses                                              249                          (5.3)
        Total  Operating  Expenses                                                          (52)                          0.1

                  Income  from  Operations                                            (12,473)                      (11.9)

        Non-Operating  Income,  Net                                                  (2,880)                      (45.5)
        Investment  Gains  (Losses)                                                      (656)                      (93.4)
        Income  before  Income  Tax                                                  (16,009)                      (14.4)

        Income  Tax  Expenses                                                                4,952                        (45.2)

                  Net  Income                                                                    (11,057)                      (11.0)

        Minority  Interests                                                                      342                        (57.9)

        Net  Income  Attributable  to
          Shareholders  of  the  Parent                                            (10,715)                      (10.7)

        Earnings  per  Share  -  Diluted                                            ($0.37)                        (9.6)
        Earnings  per  ADR  -  Diluted  (2)                                        ($1.84)                        (9.6)

        Weighted  Average  Outstanding  Shares  -
          Diluted  ('M)  (3)                                                                          --                              --

        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.  dollars
                at  the  weighted  average  rate  of  NTD  32.868  for  the  year  ended  December
                31,  2009.
        (2)  1  ADR  equals  5  ordinary  shares.
        (3)  Total  diluted  weighted  average  outstanding  shares  were  26,236M  shares
                for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008  after  the  retroactive  adjustment
                for  stock  dividends.

                              Consolidated  Condensed  Statements  of  Cash  Flows
          For  the  Year  Ended  December  31,  2009  and  for  the  Three  Months  Ended
                  December  31,  2009,  September  30,  2009,  and  December  31,  2008
                      (Expressed  in  Millions  of  New  Taiwan  Dollars  ("NTD")  and
                                                    U.S.  Dollars  ("USD"))  (1)

                                                                          2009            4Q  2009        3Q  2009        4Q  2008
                                                                    (audited)    (unaudited)(unaudited)(unaudited)
                                                                USD              NTD            NTD              NTD                NTD
        Cash  Flows  from  Operating
                Net  Income                        $2,714      $89,218      $32,666      $30,551      $12,446
                Net  Income
                  Attributable  to
                  Minority  Interest                  8              248              194              121              196
                Depreciation  &
                  Amortization                    2,459        80,815        20,277        20,001        20,961
                Deferred  Income  Tax            (53)      (1,752)          (630)          (426)            154
                Equity  in  Losses
                  (Earnings)  of  Equity
                  Method  Investees,
                  Net                                            (1)            (46)          (299)          (454)            340
                Changes  in  Working
                  Capital  &  Others              (260)      (8,517)        9,791        (3,138)      29,147
                Net  Cash  Provided  by
                  Operating  Activities    4,867      159,966        61,999        46,655        63,244

        Cash  Flows  from  Investing
                Acquisitions  of:
                        Instruments              (1,552)    (51,025)    (19,979)    (20,827)    (33,059)
                        Accounted  for
                        Using  Equity
                        Method                                (1)            (43)            (11)            (32)              (1)
                      Property,  Plant
                        and  Equipment          (2,671)    (87,785)    (42,715)    (32,038)    (11,258)
                      Financial  Assets
                        Carried  at  Cost            (10)          (321)            (51)          (139)            (73)
                Proceeds  from
                  Disposal  or  maturity
                        Instruments                1,338        43,985        16,394          1,886        63,368
                      Property,  Plant
                        and  Equipment                    1                24                17                  2                24
                      Financial  Assets
                        Carried  at  Cost                4              131                37                19                73
                Others                                      (44)      (1,434)          (794)          (381)      (1,061)
                Net  Cash  Used  In
                  Investing  Activities  (2,935)    (96,468)    (47,102)    (51,510)      18,013

        Cash  Flows  from  Financing
                Decrease  in  Guarantee
                  Deposits                                (15)          (478)          (151)            (77)          (140)
                Proceeds  from
                  Exercise  of  Stock
                  Options                                      8              261                70              162                  5
                Bonus  Paid  to
                  Directors  and
                  Supervisors                            --                --                --                --                --
                Repayment  of  Long-
                  Term  Bonds  Payable          (243)      (8,000)              --                --                --
                Cash  Dividends  Paid
                  for  Common  Stock          (2,339)    (76,876)              --      (76,876)              --
                Repurchase  of
                  Treasury  Stock                      --                --                --                --                --
                Cash  Bonus  Paid  to
                  Employees                                --                --                --                --                --
                Others                                      (11)          (378)          (196)          (191)          (163)
                Net  Cash  Used  in
                  Financing  Activities  (2,600)    (85,471)          (277)    (76,982)          (298)

        Net  Increase  (Decrease)
          in  Cash  and  Cash
          Equivalents                                (668)    (21,973)      14,620      (81,837)      80,959

        Effect  of  Exchange  Rate
          Changes  and  Others                    (42)      (1,365)          (279)          (745)        1,209

        Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents
          at  Beginning  of  Period        5,921      194,614      156,935      239,517      112,446

        Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents
          at  End  of  Period                  $5,211    $171,276    $171,276    $156,935    $194,614

        (1)  Amounts  in  New  Taiwan  dollars  have  been  translated  into  U.S.  dollars
                at  the  weighted  average  rate  of  NTD32.868  for  the  year  ended  December
                31,  2009.


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Design Verification Engineer for Blockwork IT at Milpitas, California
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