Leadis Technology Reports First Quarter 2006 Financial Results with 107% Revenue Increase Year-Over-Year

"My top priorities at Leadis remain returning to profitability and establishing business processes that will allow us to achieve sustainable long term growth," said Mr. Alvarez. "We are achieving revenue growth and are focusing on improving our gross margin, which will be achieved with heightened focus on new product development as well as expanding further into the TFT market."

Conference Call Today

Leadis Technology will broadcast its conference call discussion of first quarter 2006 financial results today, Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time).

To listen to the call, dial 1-877-502-9272 approximately ten minutes before the start of the call. A taped replay will be made available approximately two hours after the conclusion of the call and will remain available for one week. To access the replay, dial 1-888-203-1112. The confirmation code is 3041251.

A live webcast of the call will be available on the investor relations section of the company's web site, http://ir.leadis.com . An archived webcast of the call will remain available until the next earnings call.

About Leadis Technology, Inc.

Leadis Technology, Inc., headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, designs, develops and markets mixed-signal semiconductors that enable and enhance the features and capabilities of small panel displays, focusing on the mobile handset market. Leadis' core products are color display drivers, which are critical components of displays used in mobile consumer electronic devices. Leadis supplies display drivers supporting the major small panel display technologies, including a-Si and LTPS TFT LCD's, color STN LCD's, and color OLED displays. For more information, visit www.leadis.com.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Leadis reports financial information in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), but believes that non-GAAP (previously referred to as "pro-forma") financial measures are helpful in evaluating its operating results and comparing its performance to comparable companies. Leadis has historically reported non-GAAP net income (loss) and non-GAAP basic and diluted net income (loss) per share, which results excluded stock-based compensation expenses. Starting this quarter, Leadis implemented FAS 123(R), "Share-Based Payment." Financial results for prior year periods, however, are not required to be restated for FAS 123(R). Consequently, Leadis has excluded the effect of expensing stock-based compensation in deriving calculations of operating income, net income (loss), net income (loss) per share, gross profit, and certain operating expenses (including research and development and selling, general and administrative). Leadis believes the inclusion of these non-GAAP measures enhances the comparability of current results against the results of prior periods. These non-GAAP measures will also enable investors to evaluate the company's core operating results and business outlook in a manner similar to how the company internally analyzes its operating results and makes strategic decisions. Investors should note, however, that the non-GAAP financial measures used by the company may not be the same non-GAAP financial measures, and may not be calculated in the same manner, as that of other companies. The company does not itself, nor does it suggest that investors should, consider such non-GAAP financial measures alone or as a substitute for financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. A reconciliation of GAAP financial measures to non-GAAP financial measures is included in the financial statements portion of this press release.

Cautionary Language

This press release regarding expected business and financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 and the remainder of fiscal year 2006 contains forward-looking statements based on Leadis' current expectations. The words "expect," "will," "should," "would," "anticipate," "project," "outlook," "believe," "intend," "confident," "optimistic," and similar phrases as they relate to future events are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the company's current views and assumptions but are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are the following: risks that the company may not be able to maintain its current level of revenue or its gross margin levels; risks that one or more of the company's concentrated group of customers may reduce demand or price for the company's products or a particular product; the company's dependence on a limited number of products; risks that the company's new products may not be able to be completed in a timely fashion or gain market acceptance; risks that the company's products may not gain broad acceptance in markets other than mobile handsets, including the MP3 market; quarterly fluctuations in revenue and operating results due to seasonal fluctuations in demand for consumer electronic devices; risks that the company's foundry suppliers may not allocate to it sufficient silicon wafers to meet its demand due to the company's lack of long-term supply contracts with its foundries; risks that the company may not be able to manage its growth; risks with managing international activities; intellectual property litigation risks; the semiconductor industry's cyclical nature; and other factors. For a discussion of these and other factors that could impact the company's financial results and cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward- looking statements, please refer to the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 15, 2006, in the sections titled Risk Factors and Forward-Looking Statements, which is available at www.leadis.com. (LDISG)

                           LEADIS TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                                (In thousands)

                                                  Mar. 31,           Dec. 31,
                                                    2006               2005

    Current assets:
       Cash and cash equivalents                   $67,721            $72,801
       Short-term investments                       34,182             34,077
       Accounts receivable, net                     20,603             14,775
       Inventory                                     9,994             13,075
       Prepaid expenses and other
        current assets                               4,931              4,693
          Total current assets                                        137,431                        139,421
        Property  and  equipment,  net                                            3,341                            3,505
        Other  assets                                                                          1,175                                988
                    Total  assets                                                        $141,947                      $143,914

        Current  liabilities:
              Accounts  payable                                                        $17,324                        $17,781
              Accrued  liabilities                                                      2,789                            2,932
              Taxes  payable                                                                  2,455                            2,330
              Deferred  revenue                                                                138                                338
                    Total  current  liabilities                                  22,706                          23,381
        Other  noncurrent  liabilities                                              784                                718
        Stockholders'  equity:
              Common  stock  and  additional
                paid-in  capital                                                        104,410                        104,173
              Deferred  stock-based  compensation                                --                          (1,196)
              Retained  earnings                                                        14,047                          16,838
                    Total  stockholders'  equity                              118,457                        119,815
                    Total  liabilities  and
                      stockholders'  equity                                      $141,947                      $143,914

                                                      LEADIS  TECHNOLOGY,  INC.
                                      (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)

                                                                                                      Three  Months  Ended
                                                                                          Mar.  31,        Dec.  31,        Mar.  31,
                                                                                            2006                2005                2005

        Revenue                                                                    $24,057          $21,455          $11,604

        Cost  of  sales  (1)                                                  20,395            18,313              8,449
            Gross  profit                                                          3,662              3,142              3,155

        Research  and  development  expenses  (1)            3,635              3,408              3,741
        Selling,  general  and  administrative
          expenses  (1)                                                            3,659              3,731              2,589
            Total  operating  expenses                                  7,294              7,139              6,330

        Operating  loss                                                        (3,632)          (3,997)          (3,175)
        Interest  and  other  income,  net                              888                  825                  292
        Loss  before  provision  (benefit)  for
          income  taxes                                                          (2,744)          (3,172)          (2,883)
        Provision  (benefit)  for  income  taxes                  188                  475                (354)
        Loss  before  cumulative  effect  of
          change  in  accounting  principle                      (2,932)          (3,647)          (2,529)
        Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
          accounting  principle                                                142                    --                    --
            Net  loss                                                              $(2,790)        $(3,647)        $(2,529)

        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share:
            Prior  to  cumulative  effect  of
              change  in  accounting  principle                  $(0.10)          $(0.13)          $(0.09)
            Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
              accounting  principle                                          0.00                    --                    --
        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share            $(0.10)          $(0.13)          $(0.09)

        Shares  used  in  computing  basic  and
          diluted  per  share  amounts                                28,455            28,297            27,867

        (1)  Includes  stock-based  compensation,
              as  follows:
                  Cost  of  sales                                                    $130                  $16                  $36
                  Research  and  development                                277                  123                  275
                  Selling,  general  and
                    administrative  expenses                                649                  235                  420
                        Total  stock-based  compensation        $1,056                $374                $731

                                                      LEADIS  TECHNOLOGY,  INC.
                                      (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)

                                                                                                    Three  Months  Ended
                                                                                                        March  31,  2006
                                                                                      Reported        Entries              Non-GAAP

        Revenue                                                                    $24,057            $--                  $24,057

        Cost  of  sales                                                          20,395            (130)(a)          20,265
            Gross  profit                                                          3,662              130                    3,792

        Research  and  development  expenses                    3,635            (277)(a)            3,358
        Selling,  general  and  administrative
          expenses                                                                    3,659            (649)(a)            3,010
            Total  operating  expenses                                  7,294            (926)                  6,368

        Operating  loss                                                        (3,632)        1,056                  (2,576)
        Interest  and  other  income,  net                              888                --                        888
        Loss  before  provision  (benefit)  for
          income  taxes                                                          (2,744)        1,056                  (1,688)
        Provision  (benefit)  for  income  taxes                  188              349  (b)                537
        Loss  before  cumulative  effect  of
          change  in  accounting  principle                      (2,932)            707                  (2,225)
        Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
          accounting  principle                                                142            (142)(c)                  --
            Net  loss                                                              $(2,790)          $565                $(2,225)

        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share:
            Prior  to  cumulative  effect  of
              change  in  accounting  principle                  $(0.10)                                      (0.08)
            Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
              accounting  principle                                          0.00                                              --
        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share            $(0.10)                                      (0.08)

        Shares  used  in  computing  basic  and
          diluted  per  share  amounts                                28,455                                      28,455

                                                                                                    Three  Months  Ended
                                                                                                      December  31,  2005
                                                                                        Reported        Entries            Non-GAAP

        Revenue                                                                    $21,455            $--                $21,455

        Cost  of  sales                                                          18,313            (16)(a)          18,297
            Gross  profit                                                          3,142              16                    3,158

        Research  and  development  expenses                    3,408          (123)(a)            3,285
        Selling,  general  and  administrative
          expenses                                                                    3,731          (235)(a)            3,496
            Total  operating  expenses                                  7,139          (358)                  6,781

        Operating  loss                                                        (3,997)          374                  (3,623)
        Interest  and  other  income,  net                              825              --                        825
        Loss  before  provision  (benefit)  for
          income  taxes                                                          (3,172)          374                  (2,798)
        Provision  (benefit)  for  income  taxes                  475              --                        475
        Loss  before  cumulative  effect  of
          change  in  accounting  principle                      (3,647)          374                  (3,273)
        Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
          accounting  principle                                                  --              --                          --
            Net  loss                                                              $(3,647)        $374                $(3,273)

        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share:
            Prior  to  cumulative  effect  of
              change  in  accounting  principle                  $(0.13)                                  $(0.12)
            Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
              accounting  principle                                              --                                            --
        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share            $(0.13)                                  $(0.12)

        Shares  used  in  computing  basic  and
          diluted  per  share  amounts                                28,297                                    28,297

                                                                                                    Three  Months  Ended
                                                                                                        March  31,  2005
                                                                                      Reported        Entries            Non-GAAP

        Revenue                                                                    $11,604            $--                $11,604

        Cost  of  sales                                                            8,449            (36)(a)            8,413
            Gross  profit                                                          3,155              36                    3,191

        Research  and  development  expenses                    3,741          (275)(a)            3,466
        Selling,  general  and  administrative
          expenses                                                                    2,589          (420)(a)            2,169
            Total  operating  expenses                                  6,330          (695)                  5,635

        Operating  loss                                                        (3,175)          731                  (2,444)
        Interest  and  other  income,  net                              292              --                        292
        Loss  before  provision  (benefit)  for
          income  taxes                                                          (2,883)          731                  (2,152)
        Provision  (benefit)  for  income  taxes                (354)            --                      (354)
        Loss  before  cumulative  effect  of
          change  in  accounting  principle                      (2,529)          731                  (1,798)
        Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
          accounting  principle                                                  --              --                          --
            Net  loss                                                              $(2,529)        $731                $(1,798)

        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share:
            Prior  to  cumulative  effect  of
              change  in  accounting  principle                  $(0.09)                                  $(0.06)
            Cumulative  effect  of  change  in
              accounting  principle                                              --                                            --
        Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per  share            $(0.09)                                  $(0.06)

        Shares  used  in  computing  basic  and
          diluted  per  share  amounts                                27,867                                    27,867

        (a)  Stock-based  compensation  expense
        (b)  Tax  benefit  for  income  taxes  in  connection  with  stock-based
                compensation  expense  as  reported  under  FAS  123(R)
        (c)  Cumulative  effect  of  change  in  accounting  principles  in  connection
                with  implementation  of  FAS  123(R)  in  the  first  quarter  of  2006.

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