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RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format for content distribution. EDACafe.com offers RSS feeds for each of our primary indexes (News, Commentary, Reviews, Articles, & Blurbs) and for each of our supported industries (Mechanical, AEC, GIS, EDA, & Other).  Each feed includes headlines, descriptions, and links back to EDACafe.com pointing to the full story.

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News Aggregators
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A free, stand-alone feed reader for Windows
A free online service for subscribing and sharing news feeds
A reader for the Mac OSX
An open-source Linux feed reader.

If you're new to RSS and syndication, we also suggest visiting Lockergnome RSS Resource and check out their QuickStart Guide, RSS Q&A , and comprehensive listing of resources . HP also outlines the basics of RSS

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We encourage you to use these feeds, so long as you use the links provided in the feeds, and so long as you provide proper attribution to EDACafe.com.
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Senior Platform Software Engineer, AI Server - GPU for Nvidia at Santa Clara, California
GPU Design Verification Engineer for AMD at Santa Clara, California
Senior Firmware Architect - Server Manageability for Nvidia at Santa Clara, California
CAD Engineer for Nvidia at Santa Clara, California
Sr. Silicon Design Engineer for AMD at Santa Clara, California
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