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Cadence | Cadence Designer User Group contain members forum, articles by industry leads, the schedule of CDNLive! News and more. |
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DEEPCHIP | You're in DeepChip now. |
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DEEPCHIP | DEEPCHIP user group |
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Introduction to VHDL | VHDL stands for VHSIC Hardware Description Language, and VHSIC in turn stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuits. VHDL is an industry standard language used to describe hardware from the abstract to the concrete level. VHDL is rapidly growing in popularity & it is being embraced as the universal communication medium of design. The EDA vendors support VHDL both in & out of their tools (Simulation tools, Synthesis tools, & Verification tools). |
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Synopsys | SNUG is an open forum that that provides Synopsys users worldwide with a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss problems and explore solutions. In addition to a highly technical program that focuses on real-world design challenges, each SNUG event includes interaction with Synopsys executives, product developers and applications consultants about future product directions and product and support quality. Each SNUG is driven by a local Technical Committee, with operational support provided by Synopsys. |
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Synopsys Users Group | To facilitate an open forum that provides Synopsys users the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss problems and explore solutions. |
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Total 6 links listed (include in sub-categories).