MOSAID Reports Results for Fourth Quarter and Year-End Fiscal 2011, and Dividend


MOSAID Technologies Inc. is one of the world's leading intellectual property companies. MOSAID licenses patented intellectual property in the areas of semiconductors and communications technologies and develops semiconductor memory technology. MOSAID counts many of the world's largest technology companies among its licensees. Founded in 1975, MOSAID is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Visit and for more information.

Pro forma net income, a non-GAAP measure, is GAAP net income adjusted for stock-based compensation, patent amortization and imputed interest, foreign exchange gains and losses on "Other long-term liabilities," and any other non-recurring items. The Company uses pro forma measures internally to evaluate and manage operating performance, and to forecast and plan. Non-GAAP measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP and are therefore unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers.

Forward-Looking Information

This document and certain other public documents incorporated by reference in this document, contain forward-looking statements to the extent they relate to MOSAID or its management, including those identified by the expressions "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "foresee," "intend," "may," "plan," "will," "would" and similar expressions. Similarly, statements in this document that describe MOSAID's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions or goals also are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not historical facts, but rather reflect MOSAID's current expectations regarding future events. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Assumptions made in preparing forward-looking statements and financial guidance include, but are not limited to, the following: MOSAID's continued expansion of its patent portfolio and of its opportunities for future patent licensing revenue as a result of MOSAID's acquisition of patents from third parties and from development of new inventions; semiconductor and telecommunications product vendors continuing to infringe MOSAID's patents; the timing and amount of MOSAID's litigation expenses; MOSAID's ability to sign new patent licensees; current assumptions as to the identification of products that are unlicensed to MOSAID's wireless patents; and the timing and amount of MOSAID's Research & Development expenses.

Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results include, but are not limited to, the following: MOSAID's ability to negotiate settlements with licensees; legal rulings and/or regulatory investigations, audits or complaints having an adverse impact on the validity, enforceability, royalty rates, potential royalty rates, and strength or breadth of coverage of MOSAID's essential and/or nonessential patents (including, but not limited to, adverse results from litigation or proceedings in patent offices and government regulatory agencies in various countries around the world); judicial, legislative or regulatory changes that impair the ability of patent holders to earn licensing revenues; worldwide economic conditions and demand for technology products; economic, social, and political conditions both globally and in the countries in which MOSAID or patent licensees operate, including conflict, war and, other security risks, health conditions, possible disruptions in transportation networks and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; non-payment or delays in payment by or insolvency of licensees or other debtors; variability in patent licensees' sales of licensed products; failure to maintain and enforce MOSAID's existing patent portfolio, or failure to obtain valuable patents as a result of R&D activities, or failure to acquire valuable patents from third parties; MOSAID's ability to recruit and retain skilled personnel; change in MOSAID's financial position; consolidation of MOSAID's licensees; natural events, such as severe weather and earthquakes in the locations in which MOSAID or patent licensees operate; and changes in the tax rate applicable to MOSAID as the result of changes in the tax law in the jurisdictions in which profits are determined to be earned and taxed, the outcome of tax audits and the ability to realize deferred tax assets.

Except as may be required by applicable law or stock exchange regulation, we undertake no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this document or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. If we do update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that additional updates will be made with respect to those or other forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties affecting MOSAID's business and other factors that could cause MOSAID's financial results to fluctuate are contained in MOSAID's Annual Information Form, under the section entitled "Risk Factors," and in MOSAID's other public filings available online at

MOSAID Technologies Incorporated

Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Income

For the Quarter Ended April 30, 2011

The attached pro forma consolidated financial statements have been prepared by Management of MOSAID Technologies Incorporated and have not been reviewed by an auditor.

MOSAID TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED                                            
(Subject to the Canada Business Corporations Act)                           
CONSOLIDATED PRO FORMA STATEMENTS OF INCOME                                 
(In thousands of Canadian Dollars, except per share amount)                 

                                       Quarter Ended              Year Ended
                                            April 30                April 30
                                    2011        2010        2011        2010

Revenues                         $21,876     $19,886     $80,537     $71,110

Operating expenses                                                          
  Patent portfolio                                                          
   management                      3,000       2,282       9,570       7,485
  Patent licensing and                                                      
   litigation                      5,756           2,573            13,082              9,239
    Research  and  development                      986                  716              2,974              2,853
    General  and  administration              1,289              1,613              5,798              5,978
    Foreign  exchange  loss                            807                    29              1,017                  423
                                                                    11,838              7,213            32,441            25,978

Pro  forma  income  from                                                                                                              
  operations                                              10,038            12,673            48,096            45,132
Investment  income                                        391                  128              1,345                  439
Pro  forma  income  before                                                                                                          
  income  tax  expense                              10,429            12,801            49,441            45,571
Income  tax  expense                                  3,129              4,224            14,832            15,040
Pro  forma  net  income                          $  7,300          $  8,577          $34,609          $30,531

Pro  forma  earnings  per  share                                                                                                
    Basic                                                        $0.61              $0.74              $2.93              $2.89
    Diluted                                                    $0.60              $0.74              $2.89              $2.87

Weighted  average  number  of                                                                                                    
        Basic                                          11,884,586    11,522,272    11,826,997    10,580,958
        Diluted                                      12,090,772    11,611,053    11,976,458    10,651,777

See  accompanying  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements                          

Pro forma net income is reconciled to GAAP net income as follows:

(Dollar  amounts  in                                                                                                                    
  thousands)                                                      Quarter  Ended                            Year  Ended  
                                                                                      April  30                                April  30  
                                                                      2011                2010                2011                2010  

GAAP  net  income                                    $5,883            $8,051          $25,030          $21,750  
Add  (deduct):                                                                                                                              
Stock-based  compensation                        574                  400              1,989              1,189  
Patent  amortization  and                                                                                                          
  imputed  interest                                  4,075              3,888            16,457            15,215  
Foreign  exchange  (gain)                    (2,067)          (1,761)          (2,467)          (4,972)
Special  committee                                          -                      -                      -                  719  
Income  tax  expense  -  for  the                                                                                                
  above  items                                          (1,112)              (992)          (5,953)          (4,437)
Future  income  tax                                                                                                                      
  revaluation                                                    -                (862)              (200)            1,844  
Discontinued  operations  (net                                                                                                
  of  tax)                                                        (53)              (147)              (247)              (777)
Pro  forma  net  income                          $7,300            $8,577          $34,609          $30,531  

Pro forma foreign exchange loss is reconciled to GAAP foreign exchange (gain) as follows:

(Dollar  amounts  in                                                                                                                    
  thousands)                                                      Quarter  Ended                            Year  Ended  
                                                                                      April  30                                April  30  
                                                                      2011                2010                2011                2010  

GAAP  foreign  exchange  (gain)        $(1,260)        $(1,732)        $(1,450)        $(4,550)
Less:  foreign  exchange                                                                                                            
  (gain)  on  long-term  debt                (2,067)          (1,761)          (2,467)          (4,972)
Pro  forma  foreign  exchange                                                                                                    
  loss                                                          $  807                $  29          $  1,017              $  423  

See  accompanying  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements                          

MOSAID  TECHNOLOGIES  INCORPORATED                                                                                        
CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENTS  OF  INCOME  AND  RETAINED  EARNINGS                                          
(In  thousands  of  Canadian  Dollars,  except  per  share  amount)                                  

                                                                            Quarter  Ended                            Year  Ended  
                                                                                      April  30                                April  30  
                                                                      2011                2010                2011                2010  

Revenues                                                $21,876          $19,886          $80,537          $71,110  

Operating  expenses                                                                                                                    
    Patent  portfolio                                                                                                                    
      management                                          3,000              2,282              9,570              7,485  
    Patent  licensing  and                                                                                                            
      litigation                                          5,756              2,573            13,082              9,239  
    Research  and  development                    986                  716              2,974              2,853  
    General  and  administration            1,289              1,613              5,798              5,978  
    Foreign  exchange  (gain)                (1,260)          (1,732)          (1,450)          (4,550)
    Stock-based  compensation                                                                                                    
      (Note  6)                                                  574                  400              1,989              1,189  
    Special  committee                                      -                      -                      -                  719  
    Patent  amortization  and                                                                                                      
      imputed  interest                              4,075              3,888            16,457            15,215  
                                                                  14,420              9,740            48,420            38,128  

Income  from  operations                        7,456            10,146            32,117            32,982  
Investment  income                                      391                  128              1,345                  439  
    Income  before  income  tax                                                                                                    
      expense  and  discontinued                                                                                                  
      operations                                          7,847            10,274            33,462            33,421  
Income  tax  expense                                2,017              2,370              8,679            12,448  
Income  before  discontinued                                                                                                    
  operations                                              5,830              7,904            24,783            20,973  
Discontinued  operations                                                                                                          
(net  of  tax)  (Note  5)                                53                  147                  247                  777  

Net  income                                                5,883              8,051            25,030            21,750  
Dividends                                                  2,972              2,941            11,827            10,655  
Retained  earnings,  beginning                                                                                                
  of  period                                              32,994            17,592            22,702            11,607  
Retained  earnings,  end  of                                                                                                      
  period                                                  $35,905          $22,702          $35,905          $22,702  

Earnings  per  share  (Note  4)                                                                                                  
    Basic  -  before                                                                                                                        
      discontinued  operations                $0.49              $0.69              $2.10              $1.98  
    Diluted  -  before                                                                                                                    
      discontinued  operations                $0.48              $0.68              $2.07              $1.97  

    Basic  -  net  earnings                        $0.50              $0.70              $2.12              $2.06  
    Diluted  -  net  earnings                    $0.49              $0.69              $2.09              $2.04  

Weighted  average  number  of                                                                                                    
    Basic                                            11,884,586    11,522,272    11,826,997    10,580,958  
    Diluted                                        12,090,772    11,611,053    11,976,458    10,651,777  

See  accompanying  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements                          

MOSAID  TECHNOLOGIES  INCORPORATED                                                                                        
CONSOLIDATED  BALANCE  SHEETS                                                                                                  
(In  thousands  of  Canadian  Dollar)                                                                                      

                                                                                              As  at                                      As  at
                                                                            April  30,  2011                    April  30,  2010
                                                                                  (unaudited)                              (audited)

Current  Assets                                                                                                                            
    Cash  and  cash  equivalents                                  $  97,809                                $  70,732
    Marketable  securities                                              17,021                                    30,096
    Accounts  receivable                                                  13,301                                      4,880
    Prepaid  expenses                                                              542                                          698
    Other  asset                                                                    1,136                                      2,053
    Future  income  tax  asset                                            7,591                                    10,930
                                                                                          137,400                                  119,389

Property  and  equipment                                                      321                                          257
Acquired  intangibles                                                    71,292                                    80,685
Investment  tax  credits                                                                                                            
  receivable                                                                      16,118                                    15,748
                                                                                        $225,131                                $216,079

Current  Liabilities                                                                                                                  
    Accounts  payable  and                                                                                                            
      accrued  liabilities                                              $12,504                                  $  7,734
    Deferred  revenue                                                              213                                      4,611
    Other  liability                                                                    -                                          992
    Current  portion  of  other                                                                                                    
      long-term  liabilities                                              9,896                                      8,294
                                                                                            22,613                                    21,631
Deferred  gain  on  sale-                                                                                                            
  leaseback                                                                              616                                          828
Other  long-term  liabilities                                      26,911                                    33,132
Future  income  tax  liability                                        5,625                                      6,147

                                                                                            55,765                                    61,738

Shareholders'  Equity                                                                                                                
    Share  capital  (Note  3)                                          129,021                                  126,573
    Contributed  surplus                                                    3,592                                      3,452
    Retained  earnings                                                      35,905                                    22,702
    Accumulated  other                                                                                                                  
      comprehensive  income                                                    848                                      1,614
                                                                                          169,366                                  154,341
                                                                                        $225,131                                $216,079

See  accompanying  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements                          

MOSAID  TECHNOLOGIES  INCORPORATED                                                                                        
CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENTS  OF  CASH  FLOWS                                                                              
(In  thousands  of  Canadian  Dollar)                                                                                      

                                                                            Quarter  Ended                            Year  Ended  
                                                                                      April  30                                April  30  
                                                                      2011                2010                2011                2010  

    Income  before  discontinued                                                                                                
      operations                                      $  5,830          $  7,904          $24,783          $20,973  
    Items  not  affecting  cash                                                                                                    
    Amortization  and  imputed                                                                                                    
      interest                                              4,184              3,165            14,438            12,252  
    Stock-based  compensation                    574                  455              1,989              1,189  
    Loss  on  disposal  of  assets                  42                    73                    42                    73  
    Unrealized  foreign                                                                                                                
      exchange  (gain)  on  other                                                                                                  
      long-term  liabilities                  (2,067)          (1,761)          (2,467)          (4,972)
    Future  income  taxes  and                                                                                                      
      investment  tax  credits                    (596)            2,426              1,559              8,507  
                                                                    7,967            12,262            40,344            38,022  
    Change  in  non-cash  working                                                                                                
      capital  items  from                                                                                                              
      continuing  operations                  (1,556)          (2,324)          (7,895)            8,074  
                                                                    6,411              9,938            32,449            46,096  

    Acquisition  of  property                                                                                                      
      and  equipment  and                                                                                                                
      acquired  intangibles                    (2,919)              (494)          (4,420)          (1,134)
    Acquisition  of  marketable                                                                                                  
      securities                                        (5,000)        (26,370)        (43,758)        (29,686)
    Proceeds  on                                                                                                                              
      disposal/maturity  of                                                                                                          
      marketable  securities                  17,624                    (9)          56,833            18,478  
                                                                    9,705          (26,873)            8,655          (12,342)

    (Decrease)  in  long-term                                                                                                      
      liabilities                                      (5,074)          (5,342)          (2,838)        (14,399)
    Dividends  paid                                  (2,640)          (2,941)        (11,495)        (10,655)
    Funding  of  Restricted                                                                                                          
      Share  Unit  plan                                        -                      -            (2,085)              (880)
    Net  proceeds  from  bought                                                                                                    
      deal                                                              -            29,342                      -            29,342  
    Issuance  of  common  shares                  198                  121              2,354              1,416  
                                                                  (7,516)          21,180          (14,064)            4,824  

Net  cash  inflow  from                                                                                                                
  continuing  operations                        8,600              4,245            27,040            38,578  
Net  cash  inflow  (outflow)                                                                                                      
  from  discontinued                                                                                                                    
  operations                                                      4                  (52)                  37                (745)
Net  cash  inflow                                      8,604              4,193            27,077            37,833  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents,                                                                                                    
  beginning  of  period                          89,205            66,539            70,732            32,899  
Cash  and  cash  equivalents,                                                                                                    
  end  of  period                                    $97,809          $70,732          $97,809          $70,732  

Supplementary  Information:                                                                                                    
Cash  on  hand  and  bank                                                                                                              
  balances                                              $97,809          $54,802          $97,809          $54,802  
Short-term  investments                                -            15,930                      -            15,930  
Total  cash  and  cash                                                                                                                  
  equivalents                                        $97,809          $70,732          $97,809          $70,732  

See  accompanying  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements                          

MOSAID  TECHNOLOGIES  INCORPORATED                                                                                        
CONSOLIDATED  STATEMENTS  OF  COMPREHENSIVE  INCOME                                                          
(In  thousands  of  Canadian  Dollar)                                                                                      

                                                                              Quarter  Ended                          Year  Ended  
                                                                                        April  30                              April  30  
                                                                      2011                  2010              2011                2010  

Net  income                                              $5,883            $  8,051        $25,030          $21,750  

Other  comprehensive  income,                                                                                                  
  net  of  tax:                                                                                                                                
    Gains  and  losses  on                                                                                                              
      derivatives  designated  as                                                                                                
      cash  flow  hedges                                  557                1,670                754              3,149  
    Gains  and  losses  on                                                                                                              
      derivatives  designated  as                                                                                                
      cash  flow  hedges  in  prior                                                                                                
      periods  transferred  to                                                                                                      
      earnings  in  the  current                                                                                                    
      period                                                    (224)                  310          (1,520)          (1,981)
Other  comprehensive  income                                                                                                    
  (loss)                                                          333                1,980              (766)            1,168  

Comprehensive  income                          $6,216            $10,031        $24,264          $22,918  

See  accompanying  Notes  to  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements                          

MOSAID  TECHNOLOGIES  INCORPORATED                                                                                        
NOTES  TO  THE  CONSOLIDATED  FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS                                                            
Quarters  ended  April  30,  2011  and  2010                                                                            
(tabular  dollar  amounts  in  thousands  of  Canadian  Dollars,  except  per  share    

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