Extreme DA Delivers Accelerated Timing Sign-off for 28-nm Process Technology in TSMC Reference Flow 12.0
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Extreme DA Delivers Accelerated Timing Sign-off for 28-nm Process Technology in TSMC Reference Flow 12.0

Santa Clara, Calif. – June 2, 2011 Extreme DA today announced that TSMC Reference Flow 12.0 includes the GoldTime timing tool for Parametric On-Chip-Variation (POCV) and statistical analyses.  Supporting TSMC’s most advanced 28nm process technology, TSMC Reference Flow 12.0, a critical component of the TSMC 28nm deign infrastructure, is the latest generation of TSMC’s design methodology to increase design productivity and lower tapeout risks.  At advanced process nodes, statistical analysis software factors in global and local variations, which affect integrated circuit (IC) performance.  POCV provides the statistical analysis benefits and makes excess design margins accessible to all designers with little or no overhead.  With improved analysis, design teams can design ICs with higher performance and improved robustness while reducing development efforts.

Extreme’s POCV is an easy to adopt statistical analysis that improves accuracy of OCV methods, with no SSTA library characterization effort and minimal increase in runtime.  POCV analysis correlates well to a full SSTA analysis.  Design teams now have access to POCV analysis that eliminates the pessimism of table-based OCV approaches and has the benefits of fewer timing violations needing to be fixed and fewer new cells needing to be introduced to close timing.  In addition to advanced statistical analyses, Extreme DA GoldTime supports TSMC stage-based OCV, add-on OCV, and cell based constraint uncertainty flows in Reference Flow 12.0. 

“At the 28nm process node, global and local parametric variations have significant effect on chip performance.  Statistical timing analysis methodology enhances timing accuracy, reduces excess design margins, thus improving design performance,” said Suk Lee, director of Design Infrastructure Marketing at TSMC.  “Our ongoing collaboration now includes validation of POCV timing analysis approach in GoldTime which provides the accuracy and speed necessary for design teams to reach closure on chip performance at the 28nm node.”

Mustafa Celik, CEO of Extreme DA, said, “We are pleased to be part of TSMC’s Reference Flow 12.0.  Our co-operation gives confidence to design teams worldwide that statistical variations can be analyzed and controlled before manufacturing, in order to achieve design performance target, reduce risk and increase productivity.   GoldTime delivers the needed combination of speed, accuracy and capacity in timing analysis with our POCV approach.”

About Extreme DA

Headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., Extreme DA develops and licenses software products that provide sign-off analysis and improve the performance and yield of nanometer integrated circuits prior to manufacture.  The company was funded by Foundation Capital, IT-Farm Corporation, and Lanza techVentures and is now significantly broadening its product portfolio.  For the latest news and information on Extreme DA, visit www.extreme-da.com or write to Email Contact.


Extreme DA, the Extreme DA logo, and Extreme DA GoldTime are trademarks of Extreme DA.  All other legal marks are the property of their respective owners.

For more information, contact

Jean Armstrong                                                          Sanjay Lall

Armstrong and Associates                                         Extreme DA

503-477-5434                                                             408-588-1112