Cadence Reports Profitable Q2 2010 Financial Results

Investors are encouraged to look at the GAAP results as the best measure of financial performance. For example, amortization of intangibles is important to consider because it may represent an initial expenditure that under GAAP is reported across future fiscal periods. Likewise, stock-based compensation expense is an obligation of the company that should be considered. Restructuring charges can be triggered by acquisitions or product adjustments, as well as overall company performance within a given business environment. All of these metrics are important to financial performance generally.

Although Cadence's management finds the non-GAAP measures useful in evaluating the performance of Cadence's business, reliance on these measures is limited because items excluded from such measures often have a material effect on Cadence's earnings and earnings per share calculated in accordance with GAAP. Therefore, Cadence's management typically uses the non-GAAP earnings and earnings per share measures, in conjunction with the GAAP earnings and earnings per share measures, to address these limitations.

Cadence expects that its corporate representatives will meet privately during the quarter with investors, the media, investment analysts and others. At these meetings, Cadence may reiterate the business outlook published in this press release. At the same time, Cadence will keep this press release, including the business outlook, publicly available on its Web site.

Prior to the start of the Quiet Period (described below), the public may continue to rely on the business outlook contained herein as still being Cadence's current expectations on matters covered unless Cadence publishes a notice stating otherwise.

Beginning September 17, 2010, Cadence will observe a Quiet Period during which the business outlook as provided in this press release and the company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q no longer constitute the company's current expectations. During the Quiet Period, the business outlook in these documents should be considered to be historical, speaking as of prior to the Quiet Period only and not subject to any update by the company. During the Quiet Period, Cadence's representatives will not comment on Cadence's business outlook, financial results or expectations. The Quiet Period will extend until the day when Cadence's Third Quarter 2010 Earnings Release is published, which is currently scheduled for October 27, 2010.


                       Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
                  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                     July 3, 2010 and January 2, 2010
                              (In thousands)

                                             July 3, 2010   January 2, 2010
                                            --------------- ---------------

Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                 $       475,603 $       569,115
  Short-term investments                              2,860           2,184
  Receivables, net of allowances of $11,194
   and $14,020, respectively                        191,291         200,628
  Inventories                                        23,874          24,165
  Prepaid expenses and other                         62,308          54,655
                                            --------------- ---------------
    Total current assets                            755,936         850,747

Property, plant and equipment, net of
 accumulated depreciation of $652,965 and
 $637,107, respectively                             295,073         311,502
Goodwill                                            167,367               -
Acquired intangibles, net of accumulated
 amortization of $90,983 and $124,507,
 respectively                                       192,422          28,841
Installment contract receivables, net of
 allowances of $0 and $9,724, respectively           40,296          58,448
Other assets                                        244,661         161,049
                                            --------------- ---------------
Total Assets                                $     1,695,755 $     1,410,587
                                            =============== ===============

Current Liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  $       153,220 $       150,207
  Current portion of deferred revenue               290,105         247,691
                                            --------------- ---------------
    Total current liabilities                       443,325         397,898
                                            --------------- ---------------

Long-Term Liabilities:
  Long-term portion  of  deferred  revenue                            92,477                    92,298
    Convertible  notes                                                                  541,767                  436,012
    Other  long-term  liabilities                                              454,744                  376,006
                                                                                        ---------------  ---------------
        Total  long-term  liabilities                                      1,088,988                  904,316
                                                                                        ---------------  ---------------

Stockholders'  Equity                                                                163,442                  108,373
                                                                                        ---------------  ---------------
Total  Liabilities  and  Stockholders'  Equity    $          1,695,755  $          1,410,587
                                                                                        ===============  ===============

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                            Condensed  Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations
          For  the  Three  and  Six  Months  Ended  July  3,  2010  and  July  4,  2009
                                  (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)

                                                Three  Months  Ended                      Six  Months  Ended
                                        --------------------------    --------------------------
                                        July  3,  2010    July  4,  2009    July  3,  2010    July  4,  2009
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
    Product                      $        117,066    $        101,840    $        219,832    $        189,363
    Services                                25,258                27,808                51,178                57,015
    Maintenance                          84,740                80,281              177,992              169,853
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total  revenue                227,064              209,929              449,002              416,231
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Costs  and  Expenses:
    Cost  of  product                    7,123                  9,752                12,415                17,423
    Cost  of  services                21,556                24,418                43,481                48,463
    Cost  of
      maintenance                        10,481                11,857                21,879                24,318
    Marketing  and
      sales                                    71,513                71,431              146,275              146,321
    Research  and
      development                        91,118                90,653              180,548              185,345
    General  and
      administrative                  17,058                34,240                39,892                72,579
    Amortization  of
      intangibles                          2,551                  2,828                  5,242                  5,968
    Restructuring  and
      other  charges
      (credits)                                (317)              18,528                (1,391)              18,008
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total  costs  and
          expenses                        221,083              263,707              448,341              518,425
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
            Income  (loss)
              operations                    5,981              (53,778)                    661            (102,194)

    Interest  expense                (7,972)              (7,266)            (15,403)            (14,314)
    Other  income
      (expense),  net                  (3,100)              (2,533)                2,874                (8,682)
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
            Loss  before
              for  income
              taxes                            (5,091)            (63,577)            (11,868)          (125,190)
      (benefit)  for
      income  taxes                    (54,460)              10,780              (49,452)              12,424
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
            Net  income
              (loss)              $          49,369    $        (74,357)  $          37,584    $      (137,614)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============

Basic  net  income
  (loss)  per  share      $              0.19    $            (0.29)  $              0.14    $            (0.54)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Diluted  net  income
  (loss)  per  share      $              0.19    $            (0.29)  $              0.14    $            (0.54)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Weighted  average
  common  shares
  outstanding  -
  basic                                      262,163              256,883              262,380              255,592
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Weighted  average
  common  shares
  outstanding  -
  diluted                                  266,423              256,883              266,539              255,592
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                            Condensed  Consolidated  Statements  of  Cash  Flows
                    For  the  Six  Months  Ended  July  3,  2010  and  July  4,  2009
                                                            (In  thousands)

                                                                                                                Six  Months  Ended
                                                                                                              July  3,        July  4,
                                                                                                                2010              2009
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------

Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents  at  Beginning  of  Period            $  569,115    $  568,255
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------
Cash  Flows  from  Operating  Activities:
      Net  income  (loss)                                                                          37,584      (137,614)
      Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  income  (loss)  to  net
        cash  provided  by  operating  activities:
            Depreciation  and  amortization                                            41,333          50,023
            Amortization  of  debt  discounts  and  fees                        11,301          10,244
            Loss  on  extinguishment  of  debt                                            5,321                    -
            Stock-based  compensation                                                      20,807          29,235
            Loss  from  equity  method  investments                                        73                231
            (Gain)  loss  on  investments,  net                                        (6,935)          7,991
            Write-down  of  investment  securities                                  1,500            4,606
            Impairment  of  property,  plant  and  equipment                      427            3,695
            Deferred  income  taxes                                                          (69,266)        (5,044)
            Proceeds  from  the  sale  of  receivables,  net                            -            5,827
            Provisions  (recoveries)  for  losses  (gains)  on
              trade  and  installment  contract  receivables              (12,978)        18,361
            Other  non-cash  items                                                                3,340          (9,038)
            Changes  in  operating  assets  and  liabilities,
              net  of  effect  of  acquired  businesses:
                  Receivables                                                                        (25,384)        43,134
                  Installment  contract  receivables                                70,479          89,957
                  Inventories                                                                        (10,923)          5,847
                  Prepaid  expenses  and  other                                            (4,638)            (125)
                  Other  assets                                                                          3,750            6,769
                  Accounts  payable  and  accrued  liabilities                  5,264        (66,247)
                  Deferred  revenue                                                                31,882        (58,364)
                  Other  long-term  liabilities                                            1,904            3,518
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------
                        Net  cash  provided  by  operating  activities      104,841            3,006
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------

Cash  Flows  from  Investing  Activities:
    Proceeds  from  the  sale  of  long-term  investments                10,133                    -
    Purchases  of  property,  plant  and  equipment                        (18,765)      (22,282)
    Purchases  of  software  licenses                                                  (2,517)            (394)
    Investment  in  venture  capital  partnerships  and
      equity  investments                                                                            (500)        (1,550)
    Cash  paid  in  business  combinations  and  asset
      acquisitions,  net  of  cash  acquired                                    (263,091)        (4,896)
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------
                      Net  cash  used  for  investing  activities            (274,740)      (29,122)
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------

Cash  Flows  from  Financing  Activities:
    Principal  payments  on  receivable  sale  financing                (1,719)            (796)
    Proceeds  from  issuance  of  2015  Notes                                    350,000                    -
    Payment  of  Convertible  Senior  Notes                                    (187,150)                  -
    Payment  of  2015  Notes  issuance  costs                                      (9,800)                  -
    Purchase  of  2015  Notes  Hedges                                                  (76,635)                  -
    Proceeds  from  termination  of  Convertible  Senior
      Notes  Hedges                                                                                          280                    -
    Proceeds  from  sale  of  2015  Warrants                                        37,450                    -
    Tax  benefit  from  employee  stock  transactions                              59                    -
    Proceeds  from  issuance  of  common  stock                                    8,119          19,601
    Stock  received  for  payment  of  employee  taxes  on
      vesting  of  restricted  stock                                                      (4,114)        (2,439)
    Purchases  of  treasury  stock                                                      (39,997)                  -
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------
                      Net  cash  provided  by  financing  activities          76,493          16,366
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------
Effect  of  exchange  rate  changes  on  cash  and  cash
  equivalents                                                                                              (106)        (1,580)
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------

Decrease  in  cash  and  cash  equivalents                                      (93,512)      (11,330)
                                                                                                            ---------    ---------

Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents  at  End  of  Period                        $  475,603    $  556,925
                                                                                                            =========    =========

                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                                                        As  of  July  28,  2010
                  Impact  of  Non-GAAP  Adjustments  on  Forward  Looking  Diluted
                                                Net  Income  (Loss)  Per  Share

                                                                    Three  Months  Ending            Year  Ending
                                                                        October  2,  2010            January  1,  2011
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
                                                                                Forecast                          Forecast
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------

Diluted  net  income  (loss)  per
  share  on  a  GAAP  basis                          $(0.08)  to  $(0.06)      $(0.01)  to  $0.03

    Amortization  of  acquired
      intangibles                                                        0.03                                  0.08
    Stock-based  compensation
      expense                                                                0.04                                  0.16
    Non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  expenses                                        -                                    0.01
    Restructuring  and  other  charges
      (credits)                                                                -                                  (0.01)
    Shareholder  litigation  costs                            -                                    0.01
    Integration  and
      acquisition-related  costs                                -                                    0.01
    Other  income  or  expense  related
      to  investments  and
      non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets*                                -                                  (0.02)
    Loss  on  extinguishment  of  debt                        -                                    0.02
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                      0.02                                  0.09
    Acquisition-related  income  tax
      benefit                                                                    -                                  (0.25)
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                            -                                    0.03

                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
Diluted  net  income  per  share  on
  a  non-GAAP  basis                                      $0.01  to  $0.03              $0.12  to  $0.16
                                                                    ===================    ===================

    *  Includes,  as  applicable,  equity  in  losses  or  income  from  investments,
        write-down  of  investments,  gains  or  losses  on  sale  of  investments  and
        gains  or  losses  on  non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plan  assets
        recorded  in  Other  income  (expense),  net.

                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                                                        As  of  July  28,  2010
        Impact  of  Non-GAAP  Adjustments  on  Forward  Looking  Net  Income  (Loss)

                                                                    Three  Months  Ending            Year  Ending
                                                                        October  2,  2010            January  1,  2011
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
($  in  Millions)                                                  Forecast                          Forecast
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------

Net  income  (loss)  on  a  GAAP  basis        $(22)  to  $(16)                  $(2)  to  $8

    Amortization  of  acquired
      intangibles                                                            7                                      21
    Stock-based  compensation
      expense                                                                  12                                      43
    Non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  expenses                                        -                                        2
    Restructuring  and  other  charges
      (credits)                                                                -                                      (1)
    Shareholder  litigation  costs                            -                                        3
    Integration  and
      acquisition-related  costs                                1                                        3
    Other  income  or  expense  related
      to  investments  and
      non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets*                                -                                      (5)
    Loss  on  extinguishment  of  debt                        -                                        5
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                          6                                      23
    Acquisition-related  income  tax
      benefit                                                                    -                                    (67)
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                          (1)                                      7

                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
Net  income  on  a  non-GAAP  basis                    $3  to  $9                        $32  to  $42
                                                                    ===================    ===================

    *  Includes,  as  applicable,  equity  in  losses  or  income  from  investments,
        write-down  of  investments,  gains  or  losses  on  sale  of  investments  and
        gains  or  losses  on  non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plan  assets
        recorded  in  Other  income  (expense),  net.

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.

Revenue  Mix  by  Geography  (%  of  Total  Revenue)

                                                                                            2009                                  2010
                                                                    ----------------------------    ----------
GEOGRAPHY                                                    Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4      Year      Q1        Q2
                                                                    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----

    Americas                                                    42%      48%      43%      51%      46%      40%      46%
    Europe                                                        24%      21%      20%      24%      22%      22%      23%
    Japan                                                          19%      17%      23%      12%      18%      23%      14%
    Asia                                                            15%      14%      14%      13%      14%      15%      17%
Total                                                            100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%

Revenue  Mix  by  Product  Group  (%  of  Total  Revenue)

                                                                                            2009                                  2010
                                                                    ----------------------------    ----------
PRODUCT  GROUP                                            Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4      Year      Q1        Q2
                                                                    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----

    Functional  Verification                      20%      23%      21%      22%      22%      22%      26%
    Digital  IC  Design                                  19%      24%      19%      22%      21%      21%      21%
    Custom  IC  Design                                    26%      25%      28%      28%      27%      27%      26%
    Design  for  Manufacturing                      9%        5%        9%        7%        7%        9%        6%
    System  Interconnect                              12%      10%      11%      11%      11%        9%      10%
    Services  &  Other                                    14%      13%      12%      10%      12%      12%      11%
Total                                                            100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%

Note:  Product  Group  total  revenue  includes  Product  +  Maintenance

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