Cadence Q4 and FY2009 Earnings beat the street

Cadence's management believes it is useful in measuring Cadence's operations to exclude amortization of intangible assets, in-process research and development charges and integration and acquisition-related costs because these costs are primarily fixed at the time of an acquisition and generally cannot be changed by Cadence's management in the short term. In addition, Cadence's management believes it is useful to exclude stock-based compensation expense because it enhances investors' ability to review Cadence's business from the same perspective as Cadence's management, which believes that stock-based compensation expense is not directly attributable to the underlying performance of Cadence's business operations. Cadence's management also believes that it is useful to exclude restructuring charges and credits. During fiscal 2009 and the second half of fiscal 2008, Cadence commenced restructuring programs that it expects to complete by the end of fiscal 2010. Cadence's management believes that in measuring the company's operations, it is useful to exclude any such restructuring charges and credits because exclusion of such charges permits consistent evaluations of Cadence's performance before and after such actions are taken. Cadence's management also believes it is useful to exclude executive severance costs because these costs do not occur frequently. Cadence's management believes it is useful to exclude gains or losses and expenses or credits related to the non-qualified deferred compensation plan assets because these gains and expenses are not part of Cadence's direct costs of operations, but reflect changes in the value of assets held in the non-qualified deferred compensation plan. Cadence's management also believes it is useful to exclude the amortization of the discount on convertible notes because this incremental cost recorded as interest expense does not represent a cash obligation of the company and is not part of Cadence's direct cost of operations. Cadence's management also believes it is useful to exclude the equity in losses (income) from investments and write-down of investments because these items are not part of Cadence's direct cost of operations. Rather, these are non-operating items that are included in other income (expense) and are part of the company's investment activities. Finally, Cadence's management also believes it is useful to exclude impairment charges related to goodwill, intangible assets and fixed assets, and losses related to the liquidation of a subsidiary because these do not occur on a regular basis and are not part of the company's direct costs of operations.

During fiscal year 2009, Cadence's non-GAAP net loss also excluded the impact of an income tax benefit associated with the temporary increase in the net operating loss carryback period for operating losses Cadence incurred in the United States. Cadence's management believes it is useful to exclude the tax benefit associated with this change in the United States tax law because the extended net operating loss carryback period is only applicable for operating losses incurred during either fiscal 2008 or fiscal 2009.

During fiscal year 2008, Cadence's non-GAAP net loss also excluded the impact of tax expense associated with recording a valuation allowance against Cadence's deferred tax assets. Cadence's management believes it is useful to exclude the tax expense associated with this valuation allowance because Cadence does not expect changes in the valuation allowance of the magnitude recorded in the fourth quarter of 2008 to be recorded frequently.

During fiscal year 2008, Cadence's non-GAAP net loss also excluded the impact of tax expense associated with Cadence's repatriation of foreign earnings. Cadence's management believes it is useful to exclude the tax expense associated with the repatriation of foreign earnings because it resulted from an event that is not expected to occur frequently.

During fiscal year 2008, Cadence's non-GAAP net loss also excluded costs related to a withdrawn acquisition proposal and losses on the sale of shares of the target company stock which Cadence acquired as part of the proposed acquisition. Cadence's management believes that in measuring Cadence's operations it is useful to exclude the costs and the losses associated with this proposed acquisition because these items are not directly related to Cadence's operating performance and resulted from events that are not expected to occur frequently.

Cadence's management believes that non-GAAP net income or net loss provides useful supplemental information to Cadence's management and investors regarding the performance of the company's business operations and facilitates comparisons to the company's historical operating results. Cadence's management also uses this information internally for forecasting and budgeting. Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered as a substitute for or superior to measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. Investors and potential investors are encouraged to review the reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures contained within this press release with their most directly comparable GAAP financial results.

The following tables reconcile the specific items excluded from GAAP net income or net loss and GAAP net income or net loss per diluted share in the calculation of non-GAAP net income or net loss and non-GAAP net income or net loss per diluted share for the periods shown below:

Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation                   Three Months Ended
                                               January 2,      January 3,
                                                 2010            2009
                                            --------------  --------------
                                                            (As Adjusted)*
(in thousands)
Net income (loss) on a GAAP basis           $        1,790  $   (1,634,105)
  Amortization of acquired intangibles               4,391          10,310
  Stock-based compensation expense                  11,016          23,596
  Non-qualified deferred compensation
   expenses (credits)                                3,389          (4,357)
  Impairment of goodwill                                 -       1,317,200
  Impairment of intangible and tangible
   assets                                                -          47,069
  Restructuring and other charges
   (credits)                                        13,543          (1,318)
  Executive severance costs                              -           9,232
  Integration and acquisition-related
   costs                                                             135                          231
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                                            4,870                      4,276
    Equity  in  losses  from  investments,
      write-down  of  investments,  gains  and
      losses  on  non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets  -  recorded  in
      Other  income  (expense),  net                                            (3,177)                  10,647
    Loss  on  liquidation  of  subsidiary                                            -                      9,327
    Income  tax  expense  from  recording  a
      valuation  allowance  against  deferred
      tax  assets                                                                                        -                  332,880
    Income  tax  related  to  repatriation  of
      foreign  earnings                                                                            -                    30,076
    Income  tax  effect  of  the  increase  in
      United  States  net  operating  loss
      carryback  period                                                                (14,825)                            -
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                                            (6,070)              (166,049)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Net  income  (loss)  on  a  non-GAAP  basis              $              15,062    $            (10,985)
                                                                                        ==============    ==============
    *    Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles
          as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic
          of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification.

Net  Loss  Reconciliation                                                                Years  Ended
                                                                                              January  2,            January  3,
                                                                                                  2010                        2009
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                                                                                                                        (As  Adjusted)*
(in  thousands)
Net  loss  on  a  GAAP  basis                                        $          (149,871)  $      (1,856,715)
    Amortization  of  acquired  intangibles                            19,941                    44,185
    Stock-based  compensation  expense                                    54,706                    81,274
    Non-qualified  deferred  compensation
      expenses  (credits)                                                                  (644)                  (7,321)
    Impairment  of  goodwill                                                                  -              1,317,200
    Impairment  of  intangible  and  tangible
      assets                                                                                                -                    47,069
    Restructuring  and  other  charges                                      31,376                    46,447
    Costs  related  to  a  withdrawn  acquisition
      proposal                                                                                            -                      3,153
    Write-off  of  acquired  in-process
      technology                                                                                        -                          600
    Executive  severance  costs                                                            -                      9,232
    Integration  and  acquisition-related
      costs                                                                                              665                          995
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                                          19,104                    16,460
    Equity  in  losses  from  investments,
      write-down  of  investments,  gains  and
      losses  on  non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets  -  recorded  in
      Other  income  (expense),  net                                              6,738                    26,515
    Losses  on  the  sale  of  shares  of
      withdrawn  acquisition  target  company
      stock                                                                                                  -                      9,379
    Loss  on  liquidation  of  subsidiary                                            -                      9,327
    Income  tax  expense  from  recording  a
      valuation  allowance  against  deferred
      tax  assets                                                                                        -                  332,880
    Income  tax  related  to  repatriation  of
      foreign  earnings                                                                            -                  101,123
    Income  tax  effect  of  the  increase  in
      United  States  net  operating  loss
      carryback  period                                                                (14,825)                            -
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                                            16,812                (191,421)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Net  loss  on  a  non-GAAP  basis                                $            (15,998)  $              (9,618)
                                                                                        ==============    ==============
    *    Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles
          as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic
          of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification.

Diluted  Net  Income  (Loss)  per  Share
  Reconciliation                                                                        Three  Months  Ended
                                                                                              January  2,            January  3,
                                                                                                  2010                        2009
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                                                                                                                        (As  Adjusted)*
(in  thousands,  except  per  share  data)
Diluted  net  income  (loss)  per  share  on  a
  GAAP  basis                                                                  $                  0.01    $                (6.55)
    Amortization  of  acquired  intangibles                                0.02                        0.04
    Stock-based  compensation  expense                                        0.04                        0.09
    Non-qualified  deferred  compensation
      expenses  (credits)                                                                  0.01                      (0.02)
    Impairment  of  goodwill                                                                  -                        5.28
    Impairment  of  intangible  and  tangible
      assets                                                                                                -                        0.19
    Restructuring  and  other  charges
      (credits)                                                                                    0.05                              -
    Executive  severance  costs                                                            -                        0.04
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                                              0.02                        0.02
    Equity  in  losses  from  investments,
      write-down  of  investments,  gains  and
      losses  on  non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets  -  recorded  in
      Other  income  (expense),  net                                              (0.01)                      0.04
    Loss  on  liquidation  of  subsidiary                                            -                        0.04
    Income  tax  expense  from  recording  a
      valuation  allowance  against  deferred
      tax  assets                                                                                        -                        1.33
    Income  tax  related  to  repatriation  of
      foreign  earnings                                                                            -                        0.12
    Income  tax  effect  of  the  increase  in
      United  States  net  operating  loss
      carryback  period                                                                    (0.06)                            -
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                                              (0.02)                    (0.66)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Diluted  net  income  (loss)  per  share  on  a
  non-GAAP  basis                                                          $                  0.06    $                (0.04)
                                                                                        ==============    ==============
Shares  used  in  calculation  of  diluted  net
  income  (loss)  per  share  --  GAAP  (A)                              265,093                  249,481
Shares  used  in  calculation  of  diluted  net
  income  (loss)  per  share  --  non-GAAP  (A)                      265,093                  249,481

(A)  Shares  used  in  the  calculation  of  GAAP  net  income  (loss)  per  share  are
        expected  to  be  the  same  as  shares  used  in  the  calculation  of  non-GAAP
        net  income  (loss)  per  share,  except  when  the  company  reports  a  GAAP  net
        loss  and  non-GAAP  net  income,  or  GAAP  net  income  and  a  non-GAAP  net

    *    Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles
          as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic
          of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification.

Diluted  Net  Loss  per  Share  Reconciliation                            Years  Ended
                                                                                              January  2,            January  3,
                                                                                                  2010                        2009
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                                                                                                                        (As  Adjusted)*
(in  thousands,  except  per  share  data)
Diluted  net  loss  per  share  on  a  GAAP  basis    $                (0.58)  $                (7.30)
    Amortization  of  acquired  intangibles                                0.08                        0.17
    Stock-based  compensation  expense                                        0.21                        0.32
    Non-qualified  deferred  compensation
      expenses  (credits)                                                                        -                      (0.03)
    Impairment  of  goodwill                                                                  -                        5.18
    Impairment  of  intangible  and  tangible
      assets                                                                                                -                        0.19
    Restructuring  and  other  charges                                          0.12                        0.18
    Costs  related  to  a  withdrawn  acquisition
      proposal                                                                                            -                        0.01
    Executive  severance  costs                                                            -                        0.04
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                                              0.07                        0.06
    Equity  in  losses  from  investments,
      write-down  of  investments,  gains  and
      losses  on  non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets  -  recorded  in
      Other  income  (expense),  net                                                0.03                        0.10
    Losses  on  the  sale  of  shares  of
      withdrawn  acquisition  target  company
      stock                                                                                                  -                        0.04
    Loss  on  liquidation  of  subsidiary                                            -                        0.04
    Income  tax  expense  from  recording  a
      valuation  allowance  against  deferred
      tax  assets                                                                                        -                        1.31
    Income  tax  related  to  repatriation  of
      foreign  earnings                                                                            -                        0.40
    Income  tax  effect  of  the  increase  in
      United  States  net  operating  loss
      carryback  period                                                                    (0.06)                            -
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                                                0.07                      (0.75)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Diluted  net  income  (loss)  per  share  on  a
  non-GAAP  basis                                                          $                (0.06)  $                (0.04)
                                                                                        ==============    ==============
Shares  used  in  calculation  of  diluted  net
  loss  per  share  --GAAP  (A)                                                  257,782                  254,323
Shares  used  in  calculation  of  diluted  net
  loss  per  share  --non-GAAP  (A)                                          257,782                  254,323

(A)  Shares  used  in  the  calculation  of  GAAP  net  income  (loss)  per  share  are
        expected  to  be  the  same  as  shares  used  in  the  calculation  of  non-GAAP
        net  income  (loss)  per  share,  except  when  the  company  reports  a  GAAP  net
        loss  and  non-GAAP  net  income,  or  GAAP  net  income  and  a  non-GAAP  net

    *    Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles
          as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic
          of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification.

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