Cadence Reports Q3 2009 Financial Results

Investors are encouraged to look at the GAAP results as the best measure of financial performance. For example, amortization of intangibles or in-process technology are important to consider because they may represent initial expenditures that under GAAP are reported across future fiscal periods. Likewise, stock-based compensation expense is an obligation of the company that should be considered. Restructuring charges can be triggered by acquisitions or product adjustments, as well as overall company performance within a given business environment. All of these metrics are important to financial performance generally.

Although Cadence's management finds the non-GAAP measure useful in evaluating the performance of Cadence's business, reliance on this measure is limited because items excluded from such measures often have a material effect on Cadence's earnings and earnings per share calculated in accordance with GAAP. Therefore, Cadence's management typically uses the non-GAAP earnings and earnings per share measures, in conjunction with the GAAP earnings and earnings per share measures, to address these limitations.

Cadence's management believes that presenting the non-GAAP measure of earnings and earnings per share provides investors with an additional tool for evaluating the performance of the company's business, which Cadence's management uses in its own evaluation of performance, and an additional baseline for assessing the future earnings potential of the company. While the GAAP results are more complete, Cadence's management prefers to allow investors to have this supplemental measure since it may provide additional insights into the company's financial results.

Cadence expects that its corporate representatives will meet privately during the quarter with investors, the media, investment analysts and others. At these meetings, Cadence may reiterate the business outlook published in this press release. At the same time, Cadence will keep this press release, including the business outlook, publicly available on its Web site.

Prior to the start of the Quiet Period (described below), the public may continue to rely on the business outlook contained herein as still being Cadence's current expectations on matters covered unless Cadence publishes a notice stating otherwise.

Beginning December 18, 2009, Cadence will observe a Quiet Period during which the business outlook as provided in this press release and the company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q no longer constitute the company's current expectations. During the Quiet Period, the business outlook in these documents should be considered to be historical, speaking as of prior to the Quiet Period only and not subject to any update by the company. During the Quiet Period, Cadence's representatives will not comment on Cadence's business outlook, financial results or expectations. The Quiet Period will extend until the day when Cadence's Fourth Quarter 2009 Earnings Release is published, which is currently scheduled for February 3, 2010.

                       Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
                  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                    October 3, 2009 and January 3, 2009
                              (In thousands)

                                            October 3, 2009 January 3, 2009
                                            --------------- ---------------
                                                            (As Adjusted)*
Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                 $       570,617 $       568,255
  Short-term investments                              4,756           3,840
  Receivables, net of allowances of $15,208
   and $7,524, respectively                         195,468         298,665
  Inventories                                        25,626          28,465
  Prepaid expenses and other                         64,694          54,765
                                            --------------- ---------------
    Total current assets                            861,161         953,990

Property, plant and equipment, net of
 accumulated depreciation of $630,155 and
 $625,010, respectively                             313,398         354,852
Acquired intangibles, net of accumulated
 amortization of $122,677 and
 $134,688, respectively                              33,438          49,082
Installment contract receivables, net of
 allowances of $9,724 and $0, respectively           64,859         160,742
Other assets                                        141,361         161,187
                                            --------------- ---------------
Total Assets                                $     1,414,217 $     1,679,853
                                            =============== ===============

Current Liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities          159,728         261,099
  Current portion of deferred revenue               245,528         303,111
                                            --------------- ---------------
    Total current liabilities                       405,256         564,210
                                                               ---------------  ---------------

Long-Term  Liabilities:
    Long-term  portion  of  deferred  revenue                          108,941                  130,354
    Convertible  notes                                                                  431,072                  416,572
    Other  long-term  liabilities                                              372,756                  382,004
                                                                                        ---------------  ---------------
        Total  long-term  liabilities                                          912,769                  928,930
                                                                                        ---------------  ---------------

Stockholders'  Equity                                                                  96,192                  186,713
                                                                                        ---------------  ---------------
Total  Liabilities  and  Stockholders'  Equity    $          1,414,217  $          1,679,853
                                                                                        ===============  ===============

*  Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles,
    as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic
    of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification,  on  the  first  day  of
    fiscal  2009.

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                            Condensed  Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations
For  the  Three  and  Nine  Months  Ended  October  3,  2009  and  September  27,  2008
                                  (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)

                                                Three  Months  Ended                    Nine  Months  Ended
                                        --------------------------    --------------------------
                                          October  3,      September  27,      October  3,    September  27,
                                                2009                  2008                        2009                  2008
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
                                                                            (As                                                  (As
                                                                      Adjusted)*                                    Adjusted)*
    Product                      $          96,932    $        107,572    $        286,295    $        422,365
    Services                                26,669                32,873                83,684                98,763
    Maintenance                          92,521                92,043              262,374              290,151
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total  revenue                216,122              232,488              632,353              811,279
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Costs  and  Expenses:
    Cost  of  product                    6,405                11,829                23,828                39,241
    Cost  of  services                21,139                25,677                69,602                78,083
    Cost  of
      maintenance                        11,105                13,910                35,423                42,889
    Marketing  and
      sales                                    68,282                91,075              214,603              274,016
    Research  and
      development                        88,049              112,486              273,394              357,929
    General  and
      administrative                  28,732                32,937              101,311              105,608
    Amortization  of
      intangibles                          2,726                  5,626                  8,694                17,206
    Restructuring  and
      other  charges
      (credits)                                (175)              48,120                17,833                47,765
    Write-off  of
      technology                                    -                          -                          -                      600
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
        Total  costs  and
          expenses                        226,263              341,660              744,688              963,337
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
            Loss  from
              operations                (10,141)          (109,172)          (112,335)          (152,058)

    Interest  expense                (7,278)              (7,042)            (21,592)            (20,696)
    Other  income
      (expense),  net                    2,917                (7,714)              (5,765)              (3,701)
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
            Loss  before
              for  income
              taxes                          (14,502)          (123,928)          (139,692)          (176,455)

      (benefit)  for
      income  taxes                          (455)              46,728                11,969                46,155
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
            Net  loss            $        (14,047)  $      (170,656)  $      (151,661)  $      (222,610)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Basic  and  diluted
  net  loss  per  share  $            (0.05)  $            (0.67)  $            (0.59)  $            (0.87)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============
Weighted  average
  common  shares
  outstanding  -
  basic  and  diluted              259,193              252,915              256,792              256,119
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============

*  Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles,
    as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic  of
    the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification,  on  the  first  day  of  fiscal

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                            Condensed  Consolidated  Statements  of  Cash  Flows
          For  the  Nine  Months  Ended  October  3,  2009  and  September  27,  2008
                                                            (In  thousands)

                                                                                                    Nine  Months  Ended
                                                                                            October  3,        September  27,
                                                                                                  2009                        2008
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                                                                                                                        (As  Adjusted)*

Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents  at  Beginning  of
  Period                                                                          $            568,255    $        1,062,920
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Cash  Flows  from  Operating  Activities:
      Net  loss                                                                              (151,661)              (222,610)
      Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  loss  to  net
        cash  provided  by  operating  activities:
            Depreciation  and  amortization                                  71,334                    96,037
            Amortization  of  debt  discount  and  fees                15,557                    13,323
            Stock-based  compensation                                            43,690                    57,678
            Equity  in  loss  from  investments,  net                          369                          823
            Loss  on  investments,  net                                              4,307                    11,440
            (Gain)  loss  on  sale  and  leaseback  of
              land  and  buildings                                                          (122)                        350
            Write-down  of  investment  securities                        5,207                    10,666
            Write-off  of  acquired  in-process
              technology                                                                                -                          600
            Tax  benefit  of  call  options                                                -                      2,994
            Impairment  of  property,  plant  and
              equipment                                                                          6,603                      2,004
            Deferred  income  taxes                                                  (6,520)                (11,094)
            Proceeds  from  the  sale  of
              receivables,  net                                                            5,827                    48,124
            Provisions  for  losses  on  trade  and
              installment  contract  receivables  and
              sales  returns                                                                18,668                          462
            Other  non-cash  items                                                    (3,962)                  (3,119)
            Changes  in  operating  assets  and
              liabilities,  net  of  effect  of
              acquired  businesses:
                  Receivables                                                                56,444                    21,489
                  Installment  contract  receivables                    122,302                    46,198
                  Inventories                                                                  2,846                      5,486
                  Prepaid  expenses  and  other                                  (4,041)                  (3,421)
                  Other  assets                                                              11,809                    (1,849)
                  Accounts  payable  and  accrued
                    liabilities                                                            (79,395)                (41,582)
                  Deferred  revenue                                                    (83,760)                (32,243)
                  Other  long-term  liabilities                              (10,773)                  35,972
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                        Net  cash  provided  by  operating
                          activities                                                          24,729                    37,728
                                                                                        --------------    --------------

Cash  Flows  from  Investing  Activities:
    Proceeds  from  the  sale  of
      available-for-sale  securities                                              139                    53,783
    Purchases  of  available-for-sale
      securities                                                                                        -                  (62,447)
    Proceeds  from  the  sale  of  long-term
      investments                                                                                      -                      3,250
    Purchases  of  property,  plant  and
      equipment                                                                              (30,504)                (81,112)
    Purchases  of  software  licenses                                            (774)                  (1,199)
    Investment  in  venture  capital
      partnerships  and  equity  investments                            (2,300)                  (4,053)
    Cash  paid  in  business  combinations  and
      asset  acquisitions,  net  of  cash
      acquired,  and  acquisition  of
      intangibles                                                                          (14,126)                (20,621)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                      Net  cash  used  for  investing
                        activities                                                          (47,565)              (112,399)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------

Cash  Flows  from  Financing  Activities:
    Proceeds  from  receivable  sale  financing                                -                    17,970
    Principal  payments  on  receivable  sale
      financing                                                                                (2,467)                            -
    Payment  of  convertible  notes  due  2023                                    -                (230,207)
    Tax  benefit  from  employee  stock
      transactions                                                                                    -                          427
    Proceeds  from  issuance  of  common  stock                        27,862                    48,116
    Stock  received  for  payment  of  employee
      taxes  on  vesting  of  restricted  stock                          (4,055)                  (3,693)
    Purchases  of  treasury  stock                                                        -                (273,950)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
                      Net  cash  provided  by  (used  for)
                        financing  activities                                        21,340                (441,337)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Effect  of  exchange  rate  changes  on  cash  and
  cash  equivalents                                                                        3,858                      4,841
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Increase  (decrease)  in  cash  and  cash
  equivalents                                                                                  2,362                (511,167)
                                                                                        --------------    --------------
Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents  at  End  of  Period    $            570,617    $            551,753
                                                                                        ==============    ==============

*  Adjusted  for  the  retrospective  adoption  of  new  accounting  principles,
    as  required  by  the  "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"  subtopic  of
    the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification,  on  the  first  day  of  fiscal

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                                                    As  of  October  28,  2009
                Impact  of  Non-GAAP  Adjustments  on  Forward  Looking  Diluted
                                                        Net  Loss  Per  Share

                                                                    Three  Months  Ending            Year  Ending
                                                                        January  2,  2010            January  2,  2010
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
                                                                                Forecast                          Forecast
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------

Diluted  net  loss  per  share  on  a
  GAAP  basis                                                $(0.08)  to  $(0.06)      $(0.66)  to  $(0.64)

    Amortization  of  acquired
      intangibles                                                        0.02                                  0.08
    Stock-based  compensation
      expense                                                                0.05                                  0.22
    Non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  expenses
      (credits)                                                                -                                  (0.02)
    Restructuring  and  other  charges                  0.01                                  0.08
    Equity  in  losses  from
      investments,  write-down  of
      investments,  gains  and  losses
      on  non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets                                  -                                    0.04
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                      0.02                                  0.07
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                            -                                    0.09

                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
Diluted  net  income  (loss)  per
  share  on  a  non-GAAP  basis                      $0.02  to  $0.04          $(0.10)  to  $(0.08)
                                                                    ===================    ===================

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                                                    As  of  October  28,  2009
              Impact  of  Non-GAAP  Adjustments  on  Forward  Looking  Net  Loss

                                                                    Three  Months  Ending            Year  Ending
                                                                        January  2,  2010            January  2,  2010
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
($  in  Millions)                                                Forecast                          Forecast
                                                                    -------------------    -------------------

Net  loss  on  a  GAAP  basis                          $(19)  to  $(15)            $(171)  to  $(167)

    Amortization  of  acquired
      intangibles                                                            4                                      20
    Stock-based  compensation
      expense                                                                  13                                      56
    Non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  expenses
      (credits)                                                                -                                      (4)
    Restructuring  and  other  charges                      2                                      20
    Integration  and
      acquisition-related  costs                                -                                        1
    Equity  in  losses  from
      investments,  write-down  of
      investments,  gains  and  losses
      on  non-qualified  deferred
      compensation  plan  assets                                  -                                      10
    Amortization  of  debt  discount                          5                                      19
    Income  tax  effect  of  non-GAAP
      adjustments                                                            1                                      24

                                                                    -------------------    -------------------
Net  income  (loss)  on  a  non-GAAP
  basis                                                                    $6  to  $10                  $(25)  to  $(21)
                                                                    ===================    ===================

                                                Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.

Revenue  Mix  by  Geography  (%  of  Total  Revenue)

                                                      2007                                                    2008
                              ============================    ============================
GEOGRAPHY              Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4      Year      Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4      Year
                              ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====

    Americas              48%      52%      41%      50%      49%      43%      48%      43%      45%      45%
    Europe                  15%      17%      25%      17%      18%      24%      21%      23%      22%      22%
    Japan                    27%      14%      22%      22%      21%      21%      19%      20%      18%      20%
    Asia                      10%      17%      12%      11%      12%      12%      12%      14%      15%      13%
Total                      100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%

GEOGRAPHY              Q1        Q2        Q3
                              ====    ====    ====

    Americas              42%      48%      43%
    Europe                  24%      21%      20%
    Japan                    19%      17%      23%
    Asia                      15%      14%      14%
Total                      100%    100%    100%

Revenue  Mix  by  Product  Group  (%  of  Total  Revenue)

                                                      2007                                                    2008
                              ============================    ============================
PRODUCT  GROUP      Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4      Year      Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4      Year
                              ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====

      Verification    24%      24%      20%      26%      24%      22%      25%      22%      17%      22%
    Digital  IC
      Design                26%      29%      27%      27%      27%      24%      24%      20%      26%      24%
    Custom  IC
      Design                24%      24%      32%      25%      27%      26%      23%      26%      23%      24%
    Design  for
      Manufacturing    7%        7%        6%        6%        6%        5%        7%        7%        7%        6%
      Interconnect    10%        8%        7%        9%        8%      11%      10%      11%      12%      11%
    Services  &
      Other                    9%        8%        8%        7%        8%      12%      11%      14%      15%      13%
Total                      100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%

PRODUCT  GROUP      Q1        Q2        Q3
                              ====    ====    ====

      Verification    20%      23%      21%
    Digital  IC
      Design                19%      24%      19%
    Custom  IC
      Design                26%      25%      28%
    Design  for
      Manufacturing    9%        5%        9%
      Interconnect    12%      10%      11%
    Services  &
      Other                  14%      13%      12%
Total                      100%    100%    100%

Note:  Product  Group  total  revenue  includes  Product  +  Maintenance

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                                Impact  of  Retrospective  Adoption  of  the
                                "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"
                    Subtopic  of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification
        On  Previously  Reported  Condensed  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets  as  of
                                                          January  3,  2009
                                                            (In  thousands)

                                                                                      As  of  January  3,  2009
                                                                  Previously                                                As
                                                                    Reported        Adjustments              Adjusted
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

Current  assets                                      $      954,548    $            (558)  (A)  $      953,990
Property,  plant  and  equipment,
  net                                                                  351,961                2,891    (B)          354,852
Acquired  intangibles,  net                          49,082                        -                      49,082
Installment  contract  receivables          160,742                        -                    160,742
Other  assets                                                  162,381              (1,194)  (C)          161,187
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Total  Assets                                  $  1,678,714    $          1,139            $  1,679,853
                                                                  ===========    ===========            ===========

Current  liabilities                            $      564,210    $                  -            $      564,210

Long-Term  Liabilities:
        Long-term  portion  of
          deferred  revenue                                130,354                        -                    130,354
        Convertible  notes                                500,178            (83,606)  (D)          416,572
        Other  long-term  liabilities            382,004                        -                    382,004
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
                Total  long-term
                  liabilities                              1,012,536            (83,606)                  928,930
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

Stockholders'  Equity:
        Common  stock  and  capital  in
          excess  of  par  value                      1,562,079              97,223    (E)      1,659,302
        Treasury  stock,  at  cost                  (695,152)                      -                  (695,152)
        Accumulated  deficit                          (802,201)          (12,478)  (F)        (814,679)
        Accumulated  other
          comprehensive  income                          37,242                        -                      37,242
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
                Total  stockholders'
                  equity                                            101,968              84,745                    186,713
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
Total  Liabilities  and
  Stockholders'  Equity                        $  1,678,714    $          1,139            $  1,679,853
                                                                  ===========    ===========            ===========

(A)  This  amount  represents  the  cumulative  adjustments  to  the  current
        portion  of  debt  issuance  costs  associated  with  Cadence's  Convertible
        Senior  Notes.

(B)  This  amount  represents  the  cumulative  capitalized  interest  related  to
        the  amortization  of  debt  discount.

(C)  This  amount  represents  the  cumulative  adjustments  to  the  long-term
        portion  of  debt  issuance  costs  associated  with  Cadence's  Convertible
        Senior  Notes  and  the  cumulative  impact  on  the  net  deferred  tax  assets
        related  to  the  amortization  of  debt  discount.

(D)  This  amount  represents  the  remaining  unamortized  debt  discount  on
        Cadence's  Convertible  Senior  Notes  as  of  January  3,  2009.

(E)  This  amount  represents  the  equity  component  of  Cadence's  Convertible
        Senior  Notes,  net  of  tax  adjustments  to  the  tax  benefit  of  call
        options,  due  to  the  amortization  of  debt  discount.

(F)  This  amount  represents  the  cumulative  Net  loss  impact  of  the
        amortization  of  debt  discount  and  the  associated  tax  adjustments
        since  inception  of  Cadence's  Convertible  Senior  Notes.

                                              Cadence  Design  Systems,  Inc.
                                Impact  of  Retrospective  Adoption  of  the
                                "Debt  with  Conversion  and  Other  Options"
                    Subtopic  of  the  FASB  Accounting  Standards  Codification
    On  Previously  Reported  Condensed  Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations
                    For  the  Three  and  Nine  Months  Ended  September  27,  2008
                                  (In  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts)

                                                                      Three  Months  Ended  September  27,  2008
                                                                  Previously                                                As
                                                                    Reported        Adjustments              Adjusted
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

Revenue                                                    $      232,488    $                  -            $      232,488
Costs  and  expenses                                      341,660                        -                    341,660
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Loss  from  operations                        (109,172)                      -                  (109,172)
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

Interest  expense                                            (3,180)            (3,862)  (G)            (7,042)
Other  expense,  net                                        (7,714)                      -                      (7,714)
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Loss  before  provision  for
          income  taxes                                      (120,066)            (3,862)                (123,928)

Provision  for  income  taxes                        49,000              (2,272)  (H)            46,728

                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Net  loss                                          $    (169,066)  $        (1,590)          $    (170,656)
                                                                  ===========    ===========            ===========
Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per
  share                                                      $          (0.67)                                    $          (0.67)
                                                                  ===========                                      ===========

                                                                      Nine  Months  Ended  September  27,  2008
                                                                  Previously                                                As
                                                                    Reported        Adjustments              Adjusted
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

Revenue                                                    $      811,279    $                  -            $      811,279
Costs  and  expenses                                      963,337                        -                    963,337
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Loss  from  operations                        (152,058)                      -                  (152,058)
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------

Interest  expense                                            (9,055)          (11,641)  (G)          (20,696)
Other  expense,  net                                        (3,701)                      -                      (3,701)
                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Loss  before  provision  for
          income  taxes                                      (164,814)          (11,641)                (176,455)

Provision  for  income  taxes                        50,269              (4,114)  (H)            46,155

                                                                  -----------    -----------            -----------
        Net  loss                                          $    (215,083)  $        (7,527)          $    (222,610)
                                                                  ===========    ===========            ===========
Basic  and  diluted  net  loss  per
  share                                                      $          (0.84)                                    $          (0.87)
                                                                  ===========                                      ===========

(G)  This  amount  represents  the  amortization  of  debt  discount,  net  of  the
        decrease  in  interest  expense  associated  with  the  debt  issuance  costs.

(H)  This  amount  represents  the  tax  adjustments  associated  with  the
        increased  expense  during  the  period.

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GPU Design Verification Engineer for AMD at Santa Clara, California
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MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress (MSEC 2024) at Château-Bromont Hotel in Bromont Quebec Canada - Oct 7 - 9, 2024
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International Test Conference (ITC) at United States - Nov 3 - 8, 2024

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