ARM Joins The Linux Foundation
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ARM Joins The Linux Foundation

With more than 10 billion ARM processors shipped in mobile devices to date, ARM furthers community collaboration

SAN FRANCISCO, — September 28, 2009 —
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, today announced that ARM (LSE: ARM; Nasdaq: ARMH) has become a member.

ARM designs the technology that lies at the heart of advanced digital products, from wireless, networking and consumer entertainment solutions to imaging, automotive, security and storage devices.

ARM joins the Linux Foundation at a time when Linux is emerging as a significant platform for mobile, computing, and enterprise markets. ARM® technology powers more than 10 billion of the world’s most popular mobile and consumer devices and is focused on enabling the use of Linux and open source software by device manufacturers.

“Companies such as ARM are leading the mobile Linux revolution,” said Amanda McPherson, vice president, marketing and developer programs, at The Linux Foundation. “By joining the Linux Foundation, ARM is demonstrating its commitment to open standards and Linux.”

ARM has long been a contributor to the Linux kernel. As the importance of Linux in mobile and embedded markets continues to grow, ARM membership and partnership with leading semiconductor and device manufacturers will help to strengthen the mobile computing software ecosystem and extend the market reach for Linux-based products.

“There is a transition taking place right now that moves computing from the PC to more innovative mobile and consumer devices,” said Ian Drew, EVP Marketing, ARM. “ARM has been a leader in enabling this transition and joining the Linux Foundation is a natural step towards advancing innovation in the Linux community for a rich, always-connected, computing experience.”

ARM will participate in Linux Foundation events, such as the upcoming LinuxCon and work with the mobile and desktop workgroups.

About the Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Founded in 2007, the Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and is supported by leading Linux and open source companies and developers from around the world. The Linux Foundation promotes, protects and standardizes Linux by providing unified resources and services needed for open source to successfully compete with closed platforms. For more information, please visit