Control logic synthesis and algorithmic synthesis have traditionally been addressed using different languages, formalisms and abstractions. The latest advances in the Catapult C Synthesis tool unifies these two domains, allowing users to describe control logic along with algorithmic behavior in a single and coherent model leveraging standard ANSI C++. At the heart of this innovation is a new synthesizable C++ construct, which allows designers to easily specify asynchronous data communication, allowing full control over concurrent hardware creation. This pivotal mechanism allows interfacing algorithmic representations driven by the dataflow with control-dominated blocks synchronized by clocks. The result is a coding style familiar to hardware designers, letting users easily express communication, priority and task coordination within an abstract representation of concurrency. The new approach formalizes a modeling style, which provides the necessary accuracy for control oriented tasks, while preserving the abstraction beneficial for algorithmic subsystems.
The synthesis process is complemented by a patent-pending and fully automated verification flow which for the first time lets users validate the detailed RTL-level block interactions at the C level. Tight integration between verification and synthesis has proved a necessity to realizing the full potential of HLS. A common pitfall found with other HLS tools is developing high-level synthesis in isolation, which results in overly complex verification of the RTL output.
"Our digital broadcasting ICs typically consist of a complex mix of compute intensive algorithmic units and control dominated blocks," said Professor Schlicht, Head of Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits. "The new Catapult extensions for control-logic synthesis provide us with the capability to develop an increasing portion of the overall system using high-level synthesis from C++. This allows us to extend our C++ based implementation flow beyond the pure signal processing blocks."
In addition to support for control logic, the Catapult C Synthesis tool has added innovative technology for low power design by automating two prevailing design techniques: multi-level clock gating and interfacing to dynamic power and clock management units. The Catapult C tool will analyze deep cones of logic to find gateable clocks, an otherwise error-prone and manual task typically done by backend low power experts. This new and unique optimization delivers near 100% perfect clock gating by operating at the flop level, maximizing power savings by locally inferring the gating logic surrounding the targeted registers. To help further reduce power, the Catapult C Synthesis tool also exports real-time information on the state of all system blocks. This information is relayed to power management units leveraging dynamic frequency and voltage scaling heuristics to achieve system-wide power savings. As expected, dynamic power savings is design and test vector dependent; measurements on more than 300 customer designs showed improvements ranging from 10 to 90%, with an average improvement of 40%.
"The control logic extensions of Catapult C now let us develop a larger part of our systems with HLS," said Emmanuel Liegeon, Deputy Manager of Digital ASIC & FPGA Design Group, Thales Alenia Space. "As we develop more and more of the system in HLS, it becomes paramount to get power right. The latest enhancements in Catapult C for low power are delivering the optimizations we need."
About Catapult
The Catapult C Synthesis tool is the first product to automatically generate control and algorithmic RTL multi-block designs from a pure ANSI C++ source where both the core algorithm and interface are untimed. This productivity improvement gives designers time and freedom to automatically perform detailed design exploration of different micro-architectural options and interface scenarios to quickly achieve fully optimized hardware designs.
Product Availability
The Catapult C Synthesis 2009a release is available to customers in July. The Catapult C product family ranges from $140,000 to $390,000. For more product information on the Catapult C tool, contact your Mentor Graphics sales representative, call 1-800-547-3000, or visit the website at
About Mentor Graphics
Mentor Graphics Corporation (NASDAQ: MENT) is a world leader in electronic hardware and software design solutions, providing products, consulting services and award-winning support for the world’s most successful electronics and semiconductor companies. Established in 1981, the company reported revenues over the last 12 months of about $800 million and employs approximately 4,425 people worldwide. Corporate headquarters are located at 8005 S.W. Boeckman Road, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-7777. World Wide Web site:
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