But the new sROMet AURIGA demonstrates an outstanding architectural property for a single metal programmable solution. Indeed it reuses the same architecture as its twin spRAM URANUS. Identically, it stars an LCL option for ultra Low Power Consumption and extremely Low Leakage, as well as a BCD option for the Best compromise of Power Consumption and Density Density, both for 65 nm and 90 nm LP processes.
Three issues were at stake for positioning such advanced products most professionally.
- The memory business for decades was focused on speed and density so as to make embedded memories competitive against external DRAMs. Already games were being played with respect to professionalism by specifying explicitly neither the "Read Margins", nor the high dependency of fabrication yield on their sizing. Dolphin Integration has reacted by making explicit and reasonable the choices of Read Margin.
- Then came the time when centralized embedded memories were exploded into scattered SRAMs of lesser size, while the emphasis had to be put on a diversity of optimizations including the growing concern for low power consumption, either dynamic, or static or both. New games could then be played with respect to professionalism by not spelling-out the operating conditions, but Dolphin Integration has in the meantime published explicit benchmarks of modes, types and access frequencies.
- A new consideration has become prevalent for the business of silicon design libraries: SoC integrators now expect an offering for a complete set of Standard Cells, RAMs and ROMs, consistent in terms of the performance mix between Power-Consumption, Area, Speed and Leakage. This is why AURIGA provides the final touch to the recent launches of the Standard Cell Library SESAME BTF (for Back-Tracking Freedom) and of the URANUS spRAM.
Dolphin Integration is up to their charter as the most adaptive creator in Microelectronics to "enable mixed signal Systems-on-Chip", with a quality management stimulating reactivity for innovation. Their current mission is to supply worldwide customers with fault-free, high-yield and reliable sets of CMOS Virtual Components, resilient to noise and drastic for low power-consumption, together with engineering assistance and product evolutions customized to their needs.
DOLPHIN Integration SA with social Capital of 1,295,120 € - www.dolphin.fr
ISIN: FR0004022754/ ALDOL - Bloomberg: ALDOL FP - Reuters: ALDOL.PA
ICB 9576. Semiconductors.
Michel DEPEYROT, Executive Chairman - Email Contact
ATOUT CAPITAL, Listing Sponsor,
Cedric BEUDIN, (33) 1 56 69 61 83 - Email Contact