The year 2019 was an important one for MachineWorks, not only due to the celebration of our 25th anniversary but also because of substantial growth in the period. MachineWorks remains the leading supplier of simulation for the CAM and machine tool industries: nine of the top twelve CAM companies have integrated MachineWorks for CNC simulation. In addition, there are now more than 40 companies around the world incorporating Polygonica libraries into their products. The company and the new members of staff can therefore look forward to a bright future.
Rob has a first-class MMath in Mathematics from the University of York and spent three years working in Berlin before furthering his education by completing an MSc in Mathematical Physics at the University of Hamburg.
Adam has a first-class MComp in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and a PhD in Computer Science, both from the University of Sheffield. During the course of his studies he spent a year at the A*STAR Institute of High-Performance Computing in Singapore. The focus of his research was on novel methods for the acceleration of image restoration using GPUs.
Finally, Matthew has a first-class degree in Mathematics from Durham University and a PhD in Pure Mathematics from the University of Warwick. Since completing his PhD, he has spent the last few years working as a full stack developer for a leading cloud solution provider.
The three have already integrated well into the team, providing a fresh perspective and implementing novel algorithms to enhance the products. Customers can look forward to seeing these new developments and more in future releases.