November 3, 2014
Users of Bentley’s WaterCAD and WaterGEMS V8i products will be able to take advantage of extended information mobility across water system planning, design, and operations with the release of the SELECTseries 6 versions of these products in the first half of 2015.
Gregg Herrin, Bentley director, product management, hydraulics and hydrology, said, “With the most recent release of WaterCAD and WaterGEMS, model results can be published to the utility’s existing SCADA system control screen using the industry-standard OPC communication protocol. This ‘asset performance modeling’ enables system operators to benefit from optioneering as they evaluate and visualize model predictions directly in the user interface they regularly employ. In the upcoming release, the operations capabilities will be extended with even more real-time response features, so operators can analyze and plan the appropriate response to emergencies – such as pipe break or power outage – with the click of a button.”
Said Heloise Cristine Schatzmann, Companhia Catarinense de Águas e Saneamento (CASAN), “The tools provided by Bentley bring innovation and efficiency to the operational sector of water distribution networks, contributing with modernity and reliability to the industry.”
WaterCAD and WaterGEMSmodeling products for the analysis and design of water distribution systems have always been employed by engineers around the world in support of operations, such as flushing or emergency response. In the past several years, Bentley has released functionality that has put hydraulic modeling in the hands of distribution system operators, enhancing information mobility across engineering and operations.