Oct 22, 2014 -- During injection molding process, the mold base and its components would have to withstand several external loading issues; the temperature and the pressure, for instance, are two major influential effects that impact the mold condition. Over the length of time the mold is used in the injection molding process, these effects will eventually contribute to mold deformation problems.
This is a major concern as the deformation of the mold changes the cavity dimensions and decreases the precision of the final molded parts. As a result, the analysis of mold deformation has become a valuable reference for mold designs, especially for optimizing the manufacturing of high-precision products.
In the latest R13.0 release, Moldex3D introduces a new module to simulate mold deformation and its effect. After entering the custom processing conditions, users may set user-defined boundary conditions in Computation Parameter, and run an analysis to obtain specific results on mold displacement field and stress concentration field. Through the mold deformation analysis, users are able to detect potential problematic areas in the mold and make necessary changes to address these issues before the mold is machined.
Thus, users can take advantage of utilizing this useful data to optimize the mold design by adjusting the processing parameters, the geometry model, and the mold material. This way, the mold structural strength can be further enhanced in order to extend the durability of the mold as well as to ensure the precision of the final molded products.
After obtaining the mold deformation data, users can make a corresponding geometry adjustment and select the appropriate mold material to optimize the mold design and strengthen the mold structure. As a result, the mold deformation analysis proves to be a valuable reference for mold designs and optimizations. That is, having a proper and functional mold not only ensures a precise adherence to final product requirements but also prolongs the overall mold life.