Powered entirely by data from the OpenStreetMap -- a free, editable and interactive map of the world built by over 850,000 contributors using data from satellites, GPS logs, local knowledge, and other sources of geographic information -- skobbler's GPS Navigation 2 is one of the only navigation products currently available on iPhone 5 that offers turn-by-turn navigation and live voice guidance without a monthly subscription fee. GPS Navigation 2 was also the first to offer "hybrid" functionality, enabling users to switch between online or offline navigation through in-app purchases of downloadable maps.
Users can download GPS Navigation 2 for a one-time payment of just $0.99 USD. Both efficient and budget-friendly, whether you're trying to find directions to the nearest coffee shop or are headed overseas for a family vacation, GPS Navigation 2 is the ideal travel and navigation tool for iPhone owners.
"We couldn't be more excited about passing the 3 million user milestone," says Marcus Thielking, Co-Founder of skobbler. "It's a testament to our products, like the latest version of GPS Navigation 2, which only furthers our position as the best navigation option for iPhone 5 users. Apple's CEO recently encouraged iPhone customers to try different navigation services and we think GPS Navigation 2 -- available for only ninety-nine cents -- is one of the best options out there."
GPS Navigation 2's hybrid functionality remains its standout feature. Offline navigation allows fast and reliable results using only the device's GPS rather than a network connection, providing a flexible mapping service without the constraints of cellular carriers and excessive data fees.
In celebration of surpassing 3 million users and the debut of the new version of GPS Navigation 2, skobbler is launching a "Conquer the Continents" promotion, for a limited time only, enabling users to purchase downloadable maps for the United States, North America and Europe at a huge discount -- for just $1.99 USD (United States) and $2.99 USD (North America and Europe). No other existing navigation service is as reasonably priced. Most navigation services currently require costly subscriptions for offline capabilities, live voice guidance and other premium features. With skobbler's GPS Navigation 2, users are provided true turn-by-turn navigation with premium features like voice guidance, along with downloadable maps, all for an unbeatable price -- no subscription required.
iPhone users seeking the best navigation app for their device, also take note -- with version 4.3, GPS Navigation 2's location data, live voice guidance and routing logic have been greatly enhanced to improve overall navigation performance and map detail. Audio output choices, such as Bluetooth, are also included with the new update to make using GPS Navigation 2 easier than ever. To download the latest version of skobbler's GPS Navigation 2, just visit the iTunes App Store at: http://bit.ly/WBeMvw.
Like skobbler's suite of existing OpenStreetMap-based products, including the recently launched ForeverMap 2 for NOOK and web service Maps by skobbler, GPS Navigation 2 was built using skobbler's new map access technology platform GeOS. GeOS offers app developers and web service providers easy, yet powerful implementation of OpenStreetMap data into their products. GeOS makes commercial use of OpenStreetMap intuitive, affordable and secure. Currently in private beta, GeOS will be publicly available in Q1 of 2013.
For further information on recent developments at skobbler, please visit http://skobbler.com, http://blog.skobbler.com, http://fb.skobbler.com or http://twitter.com/skobbler.
About skobbler
Founded in 2008, Berlin-based skobbler ( www.skobbler.com) is one of the premier players in mobile location-aware services. With over 3 million customers on iOS alone, skobbler has regularly topped overall and category app charts in more than 20 countries, leading the way in the development of location technology and end consumer products based on the OpenStreetMap. This experience also facilitates skobbler's development projects for third parties. Based on the skobbler GeOS map access technology, companies can base their location-aware web or mobile services on the OpenStreetMap.