Featured Paper by D.A. Sanz Becerra, E.A. Unigarro Calpa, J. Osma & F. Segura
A scheme for inductive wireless powering and readout of passive LC sensor is presented. The sensor’s inductor is designed as a planar square coil and is used as the power receiving component. The capacitor is connected directly to the inductor and it was designed as an interdigital capacitor. With a transmitting
coil (coupling antenna), an electromagnetic field is generated which couples with the sensor, affecting the impedance of the coupling antenna. This work studies the effects of permittivity variations in a capacitive transducer. All the fabrication and characterization processes were carried out at the clean room of the Universidad de los Andes. The design and the simulation of the wireless passive micro-sensor based on LC resonators were made using COMSOL-4.2a.
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