[ Chapter start ] [ Previous page ] [ Next page ] B.2 Verilog HDL Syntaxalways_construct ::= [94] [95LRM 9.9.2] always statement [1] binary_base ::= [4] [95LRM 2.5.1] ’b | ’B [2] binary_digit ::= [4] [95LRM 2.5.1] x | X | z | Z | 0 | 1 [3] binary_number ::= [114] [95LRM 2.5.1] [4] [ size ] binary_base binary_digit { _ | binary_digit } binary_operator ::= [19, 52] [95LRM 4.1.2] [5] + | - | * | / | % | == | != | === | !== | && | || | < | <= | > | >= | & | | | ^ | ^~ | ~^ | >> | << blocking assignment 1 ::= [181] [95LRM 9.2.1] [6] reg_lvalue = [ delay_or_event_control ] expression block_item_declaration ::= [57, 133, 166, 190] [95LRM 9.8.1] [7] parameter_declaration | reg_declaration | integer_declaration | real_declaration | time_declaration | realtime_declaration | event_declaration case_item ::= [9] [95LRM 9.5] expression { , expression } : statement_or_null [8] | default [ : ] statement_or_null case_statement ::= [181] [95LRM 9.5] [9] | case ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase | casez ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase | casex ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase charge_strength ::= [107] [95LRM 3.4.1] ( small ) | ( medium ) | ( large ) [10] cmos_switchtype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.7] cmos | rcmos [11] cmos_switch_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [ name_of_gate_instance ] [12] ( output_terminal , input_terminal , ncontrol_terminal , pcontrol_terminal ) combinational_body ::= [198] [95LRM 8.1.4] [13] table combinational_entry { combinational_entry } endtable combinational_entry ::= [13] [95LRM 8.1.4] level_input_list : output_symbol ; [14] comment ::= [–] [95LRM 2.3] short_comment | long_comment [15] comment_text ::= [88, 168] [95LRM 2.3] { Any_ASCII_character } [16] concatenation ::= [21, 109, 146, 161] [95LRM 4.1.14] { expression { , expression } } [17] conditional_statement ::= [181] [95LRM 9.4] [18] | if ( expression ) statement_or_null [ else statement_or_null ] constant_expression ::= [see Table B.1 ] [95LRM 4.1] constant_primary [19] | unary_operator constant_primary | constant_expression binary_operator constant_expression | constant_expression ? constant_expression : constant_expression constant_mintypmax_expression ::= [34, 74, 139] [95LRM 4.3] constant_expression [20] | constant_expression : constant_expression : constant_expression constant_primary ::= [19] [95LRM 4.1] number | parameter _identifier [21] | constant _concatenation | constant _multiple_concatenation continuous_assign ::= [94] [95LRM 6.1] [22] assign [ drive_strength ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_assignments ; controlled_timing_check_event ::= [189] [95LRM 14.5.11] [23] specify_terminal_descriptor [ &&& timing_check_condition ] current_state ::= [165] [95LRM 8.1] level_symbol [24] data_source_expression ::= [53, 127] [95LRM 13.3.3] expression [25] decimal_base ::= [28] [95LRM 2.5.1] ’d | ’D [26] decimal_digit ::= [206] [95LRM 2.5.1] 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 [27] decimal_number ::= [114] [95LRM 2.5.1] [ sign ] unsigned_number [28] | [ size ] decimal_base unsigned_number delay2 ::= [58, 202] [95LRM 7.1, 7.15] [29] # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value ] ) delay3 ::= [22, 58, 107] [95LRM 7.1, 7.15] [30] # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value [ , delay_value ] ] ) delay_control ::= [32] [95LRM 9.7, 9.7.1] [31] # delay_value | # ( mintypmax_expression ) delay_or_event_control ::= [6, 112, 148] [95LRM 9.7] [32] delay_control | event_control | repeat ( expression ) event_control delay_value ::= [29, 30, 31] [95LRM 7.1.3, 7.15] [33] unsigned_number | parameter_identifier | constant_mintypmax_expression description ::= [173] [95LRM 8.1, 12.1] module_declaration | udp_declaration [34] disable_statement 2 ::= [181] [95LRM 11] [35] | disable task _identifier ; | disable block _identifier ; drive_strength ::= [22, 58, 107, 202] [95LRM 3.2.1, 3.4.2, 6.1.4] [36] ( strength0 , strength1 ) | ( strength1 , strength0 ) | ( strength0 , highz1 ) | ( strength1 , highz0 ) | ( highz1 , strength0 ) | ( highz0 , strength1 ) edge_control_specifier 3 ::= [196] [95LRM 14.5.9] edge [37] [ edge_descriptor [ , edge_descriptor ] ] edge_descriptor ::= [37] [95LRM 14.5.9] 01 | 10 | 0x | x1 | 1x | x0 [38] edge_identifier ::= [53, 127] [95LRM 14.5.9] posedge | negedge [39] edge_indicator ::= [41] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.6, 8.4] [40] ( level_symbol level_symbol ) | edge_symbol edge_input_list ::= [167] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.6, 8.4] [41] { level_symbol } edge_indicator { level_symbol } edge_sensitive_path_declaration ::= [138, 183] [95LRM 13.3.3] [42] parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description = path_delay_value | full_edge_sensitive_path_description = path_delay_value edge_symbol ::= [40] [95LRM 8.1.6] r | R | f | F | p | P | n | N | * [43] enable_gatetype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] bufif0 | bufif1 | notif0 | notif1 [44] enable_gate_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [ name_of_gate_instance ] [45] ( output_terminal , input_terminal , enable_terminal ) enable_terminal ::= [ 45, 98, 134] [95LRM 7.1] scalar _expression [46] escaped_identifier ::= [63] [95LRM 2.7.1] [47] \ {Any_ASCII_character_except_white_space} white_space event_control ::= [32] [95LRM 9.7] @ event _identifier | @ ( event_expression ) [48] event_declaration ::= [7, 95] [95LRM 9.7.3] [49] event event _identifier { , event _identifier } ; event_expression ::= [48, 50] [95LRM 9.7] expression | event _identifier [50] | posedge expression | negedge expression | event_expression or event_expression event_trigger 4 ::= [181] [95LRM 9.7.3] | -> event _identifier ; [51] expression ::= [see Table B.1 ] [95LRM 4] primary | unary_operator primary [52] | expression binary_operator expression | expression ? expression : expression full_edge_sensitive_path_description 5 ::= [42] [95LRM 13.3.2] [53] ( [ edge_identifier ] list_of_path_inputs *> [ polarity_operator ] : data_source_expression ) ) full_path_description ::= [171] [95LRM 13.3.2, 13.3.5] [54] ( list_of_path_inputs [ polarity_operator ] *> list_of_path_outputs ) function_call ::= [146] [95LRM 10.3.3] [55] function _identifier ( expression { , expression} ) | name_of_system_function [ ( expression { , expression} ) ] function_declaration ::= [95] [95LRM 10.3.1] [56] function [ range_or_type ] function _identifier ; function_item_declaration { function_item_declaration } function_item_declaration ::= [56] [95LRM 10.3.1] [57] block_item_declaration | input_declaration gate_instantiation 6 ::= [94] [95LRM 7.1] n_input_gatetype [ drive_strength ] [58] [delay2] n_input_gate_instance { , n_input_gate_instance } ; | n_output_gatetype [ drive_strength ] [ delay2 ] n_output_gate_instance { , n_output_gate_instance } ; | enable_gatetype [ drive_strength ] [ delay3 ] enable_gate_instance { , enable_gate_instance} ; mos_switch_instance { , mos_switch_instance } ; | pass_switchtype pass_switch_instance { , pass_switch_instance } ; | pass_en_switchtype [ delay3 ] pass_en_switch_instance { , pass_en_switch_instance } ; cmos_switch_instance { , cmos_switch_instance } ; pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ; | pulldown [ pulldown_strength ] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ; hex_base ::= [61] [95LRM 2.5.1] ’h | ’H [59] hex_digit ::= [61] [95LRM 2.5.1] [60] x | X | z | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b | c | d | e | f | A | B | C | D | E | F hex_number ::= [114] [95LRM 2.5.1] [ size ] hex_base hex_digit { _ | hex_digit } [61] identifier ::= [see Table B.1 ] [95LRM 2.7] IDENTIFIER [ { . IDENTIFIER } ] [62] The period in identifier may not be preceded or followed by a space. IDENTIFIER ::= [62] [95LRM 2.7] simple_identifier | escaped_identifier [63] initial_construct ::= [94] [95LRM 9.9.1] initial statement [64] init_val ::= [200] [95LRM 8.1, 8.5] [65] 1’b0 | 1’b1 | 1’bx | 1’bX | 1’B0 | 1’B1 | 1’Bx | 1’BX | 1 | 0 inout_declaration ::= [95, 190] [95LRM 12.3.2] [66] inout [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers ; inout_terminal ::= [134, 137] [95LRM 7.1] [67] terminal _identifier | terminal _identifier [ constant_expression ] input_declaration ::= [57, 95, 203] [95LRM 12.3.2] [68] input [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers ; input_identifier ::= [175] [95LRM 13.3.2] [69] input_port _identifier | inout_port _identifier input_terminal ::= [12, 45, 98, 116, 118] [95LRM 7.1] scalar _expression [70] integer_declaration ::= [7, 95] [95LRM 3.9] integer list_of_register_identifiers ; [71] level_input_list ::= [14, 167] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.6] level_symbol { level_symbol } [72] level_symbol ::= [24, 40, 41, 72] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.6] 0 | 1 | x | X | ? | b | B [73] limit_value ::= [152] [95LRM 13.7] constant_mintypmax_expression [74] list_of_module_connections ::= [92] [95LRM 12.1.2, 12.3.3, 12.3.4] [75] ordered_port_connection { , ordered_port_connection } | named_port_connection { , named_port_connection } list_of_net_assignments ::= [22] [95LRM 3.10] net_assignment { , net_assignment } [76] list_of_net_decl_assignments ::= [107] [95LRM 3.2.1] [77] net_decl_assignment { , net_decl_assignment } list_of_net_identifiers ::= [107] [95LRM 2.7] net _identifier { , net _identifier } [78] list_of_param_assignments ::= [129, 130] [95LRM 3.10] [79] param_assignment { , param_assignment } list_of_path_delay_expressions ::= [140] [95LRM 13.4] [80] | trise _path_delay_expression , tfall _path_delay_expression | trise _path_delay_expression , tfall _path_delay_expression , tz _path_delay_expression | t01 _path_delay_expression , t10 _path_delay_expression , t0z _path_delay_expression , tz1 _path_delay_expression , t1z _path_delay_expression , tz0 _path_delay_expression | t01 _path_delay_expression , t10 _path_delay_expression , t0z _path_delay_expression , tz1 _path_delay_expression , t1z _path_delay_expression , tz0 _path_delay_expression , t0x _path_delay_expression , tx1 _path_delay_expression , t1x _path_delay_expression , tx0 _path_delay_expression , txz _path_delay_expression , tzx _path_delay_expression list_of_path_inputs ::= [53, 54] [95LRM 13.3.2] [81] specify_input_terminal_descriptor { , specify_input_terminal_descriptor } list_of_path_outputs ::= [53, 54] [95LRM 13.3.2] [82] specify_output_terminal_descriptor { , specify_output_terminal_descriptor } list_of_ports ::= [91] [95LRM 12] ( port { , port } ) [83] list_of_port_identifiers ::= [66, 68, 123] [95LRM 12.3.2] [84] port _identifier { , port _identifier } list_of_real_identifiers ::= [155, 156] [95LRM 2.7] [85] real _identifier { , real _identifier } list_of_register_identifiers ::= [71, 160, 193] [95LRM 3.2.2] [86] register_name { , register_name } list_of_specparam_assignments ::= [180] [95LRM 13.2] [87] specparam_assignment { , specparam_assignment } long_comment ::= [15] [95LRM 2.3] /* comment_text */ [88] loop_statement ::= [181] [95LRM 9.6] [89] | repeat ( expression ) statement | while ( expression ) statement | for ( reg_assignment ; expression ; reg_assignment ) statement mintypmax_expression ::= [31, 146] [95LRM 4.3] expression [90] | expression : expression : expression module_declaration ::= [34] [95LRM 12.1] module_keyword module _identifier [91] [ list_of_ports ] ; {module_item } endmodule module_instance ::= [93] [95LRM 12.1, 12.1.2] [92] name_of_instance ( [ list_of_module_connections ] ) module_instantiation ::= [94] [95LRM 12.1.2] [93] module _identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] module_instance { , module_instance } ; module_item ::= [91] [95LRM 12.1] [94] module_item_declaration | parameter_override | continuous_assign | gate_instantiation | udp_instantiation | module_instantiation | specify_block | initial_construct module_item_declaration ::= [94] [95LRM 12.1] [95] parameter_declaration | input_declaration | output_declaration | inout_declaration | net_declaration | reg_declaration | integer_declaration | real_declaration | time_declaration | realtime_declaration | event_declaration | task_declaration | function_declaration module_keyword ::= [91] [95LRM 12.1] module | macromodule [96] mos_switchtype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1, 7.5] nmos | pmos | rnmos | rpmos [97] mos_switch_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [98] [ name_of_gate_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal , enable_terminal ) multiple_concatenation 7 ::= [21, 146] [95LRM 4.1.14] [99] { expression { expression { , expression } } } named_port_connection ::= [75] [95LRM 12.1.2, 12.3.4] [100] . port _identifier ( [ expression ] ) name_of_gate_instance ::= [12, 45, 98, 116, 118, 134, 137, 151] [95LRM 7.1] [101] gate_instance _identifier [ range ] name_of_instance ::= [92] [95LRM 12.1.2] module_instance _identifier [ range ] [102] name_of_system_function ::= [55] [95LRM 14] $ identifier [103] Note: the $ in name_of_system_function may not be followed by a space. name_of_udp_instance ::= [201] [95LRM 8.6] udp_instance _identifier [ range ] [104] ncontrol_terminal ::= [12] [95LRM 7.1] scalar _expression [105] net_assignment ::= [76, 147] [95LRM 6.1, 9.3] net_lvalue = expression [106] net_declaration ::= [95] [95LRM 3.2.1] [107] net_type [ vectored | scalared ] [ range ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ; | trireg [ vectored | scalared ] [ charge_strength ] [ range ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ; | net_type [ vectored | scalared ] [drive_strength] [range] [delay3] list_of_net_decl_assignments ; net_decl_assignment ::= [77] [95LRM 3.2.1] net _identifier = expression [108] net_lvalue ::= [106, 147] [95LRM 6.1] [109] net _identifier | net _identifier [ expression ] | net _identifier [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] net_type ::= [107] [95LRM 3.2.1] [110] wire | tri | tri1 | supply0 | wand | triand | tri0 | supply1 | wor | trior next_state ::= [165] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.6] output_symbol | - [111] non-blocking assignment 8 ::= [181] [95LRM 9.2.2] [112] reg_lvalue <= [ delay_or_event_control ] expression notify_register ::= [189] [95LRM 14.5.10] register _identifier [113] number ::= [21, 146] [95LRM 2.5] [114] decimal_number | octal_number | binary_number | hex_number | real_number n_input_gatetype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] and | nand | or | nor | xor | xnor [115] n_input_gate_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [116] [ name_of_gate_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal { , input_terminal } ) n_output_gatetype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] buf | not [117] n_output_gate_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [118] [ name_of_gate_instance ] ( output_terminal { , output_terminal } , input_terminal ) octal_base ::= [121] [95LRM 2.5.1] ’o | ’O [119] octal_digit ::= [121] [95LRM 2.5.1] [120] x | X | z | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 octal_number ::= [114] [95LRM 2.5.1] [121] [ size ] octal_base octal_digit { _ | octal_digit} ordered_port_connection ::= [75] [95LRM 12.1.2, 12.3.3] [ expression ] [122] output_declaration ::= [95, 190, 203] [95LRM 12.3.2] [123] output [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers ; output_identifier ::= [177] [95LRM 13.3.2] [124] output_port _identifier | inout_port _identifier output_symbol ::= [14, 111] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.6] 0 | 1 | x | X [125] output_terminal ::= [12, 45, 98, 116, 118, 151] [95LRM 7.1] [126] terminal _identifier | terminal _identifier [ constant_expression ] parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description 9 ::= [42] [95LRM 13.3.2] [127] ( [ edge_identifier ] specify_input_terminal_descriptor => specify_output_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] : data_source_expression ) ) parallel_path_description ::= [171] [95LRM 13.3.2] [128] ( specify_input_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] => specify_output_terminal_descriptor ) parameter_declaration ::= [7, 95] [95LRM 3.10] [129] parameter list_of_param_assignments ; parameter_override ::= [94] [95LRM 12.2] defparam list_of_param_assignments ; [130] parameter_value_assignment ::= [93] [95LRM 12.1.2] [131] # ( expression { , expression } ) param_assignment ::= [79] [95LRM 3.10] parameter _identifier = constant_expression [132] par_block ::= [181] [95LRM 9.8.2] [133] fork [ : block _identifier { block_item_declaration } ] { statement } join pass_enable_switch_instance 10 ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [134] [ name_of_gate_instance ] ( inout_terminal , inout_terminal , enable_terminal ) pass_en_switchtype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [135] tranif0 | tranif1 | rtranif1 | rtranif0 pass_switchtype ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] tran | rtran [136] pass_switch_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [137] [ name_of_gate_instance ] ( inout_terminal , inout_terminal ) path_declaration 11 ::= [176] [95LRM 13.3] simple_path_declaration ; [138] | edge_sensitive_path_declaration ; | state-dependent_path_declaration ; path_delay_expression ::= [80] [95LRM 13.4] constant_mintypmax_expression [139] path_delay_value ::= [42, 171] [95LRM 13.4] [140] list_of_path_delay_expressions | ( list_of_path_delay_expressions ) pcontrol_terminal ::= [12] [95LRM 7.1] scalar _expression [141] polarity_operator ::= [53, 54, 127, 128] [95LRM 13.3.2] + | - [142] port ::= [83] [95LRM 12.3.1] [143] [ port_expression ] | . port _identifier ( [ port_expression ] ) port_expression ::= [143] [95LRM 12.3.1] [144] port_reference | { port_reference { , port_reference } } port_reference ::= [144] [95LRM 12.3.1] port _identifier [145] | port _identifier [ constant_expression ] | port _identifier [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] primary ::= [52] [95LRM 4] number | identifier | identifier [ expression ] [146] | identifier [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] | concatenation | multiple_concatenation | function_call procedural_continuous_assignment 12 ::= [181] [95LRM 9.3] [147] | deassign reg_lvalue ; | force reg_assignment ; | force net_assignment ; | release reg_lvalue ; procedural_timing_control_statement ::= [181] [95LRM 9.7] [148] delay_or_event_control statement_or_null pulldown_strength ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] ( strength0 , strength1 ) [149] | ( strength1 , strength0 ) | ( strength0 ) pullup_strength ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] ( strength0 , strength1 ) [150] | ( strength1 , strength0 ) | ( strength1 ) pull_gate_instance ::= [58] [95LRM 7.1] [ name_of_gate_instance ] ( output_terminal ) [151] pulse_control_specparam 13 ::= [179] [95LRM 13.7] [152] PATHPULSE$ = ( reject _limit_value [ , error _limit_value ] ) ; | PATHPULSE$ specify_input_terminal_descriptor $ specify_output_terminal_descriptor = ( reject _limit_value [ , error _limit_value ] ) ; range ::= [66, 68, 101, 102, 104, 107, 123, 154, 160] [95LRM 7.1.5][153] [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] range_or_type ::= [56] [95LRM 10.3.1] [154] range | integer | real | realtime | time realtime_declaration ::= [7, 95] [95LRM 3.9] realtime list_of_real_identifiers ; [155] real_declaration ::= [7, 95] [95LRM 3.9] real list_of_real_identifiers ; [156] real_number 14 ::= [114] [95LRM 2.5.1] [157] [ sign ] unsigned_number . unsigned_number | [ sign ] unsigned_number [ . unsigned_number] e [ sign ] unsigned_number | [ sign ] unsigned_number [ . unsigned_number] e [ sign ] unsigned_number register_name ::= [86] [95LRM 3.2.2] register _identifier [158] | memory _identifier [ upper_limit _constant_expression : lower_limit _constant_expression ] reg_assignment ::= [89, 147] [95LRM 9.3] reg_lvalue = expression [159] reg_declaration ::= [7, 95, 203] [95LRM 3.2.2] [160] reg [ range ] list_of_register_identifiers ; reg_lvalue ::= [6, 112, 147, 159] [95LRM 9.2.1] [161] reg _identifier | reg _identifier [ expression ] | reg _identifier [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] scalar_constant ::= [163] [95LRM 2.5.1] [162] 1’b0 | 1’b1 | 1’B0 | 1’B1 | ’b0 | ’b1 | ’B0 | ’B1 | 1 | 0 scalar_timing_check_condition ::= [194] [95LRM 14.5.11] expression [163] | ~ expression | expression == scalar_constant | expression === scalar_constant | expression != scalar_constant | expression !== scalar_constant sequential_body ::= [198] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.4] [ udp_initial_statement ] [164] table sequential_entry { sequential_entry } endtable sequential_entry ::= [164] [95LRM 8.1, 8.3, 8.4] [165] seq_input_list : current_state : next_state ; seq_block ::= [181] [95LRM 9.8.1] begin [ : block _identifier [166] { block_item_declaration } ] { statement } end seq_input_list ::= [165] [95LRM 8.1] level_input_list | edge_input_list [167] short_comment ::= [15] [95LRM 2.3] // comment_text [168] sign ::= [28, 157] [95LRM 2.5.1] + | - [169] simple_identifier ::= [63] [95LRM 2.7] [ a-zA-Z ][ a-zA-Z_$ ] [170] simple_path_declaration ::= [138, 183] [95LRM 13.3.2] [171] parallel_path_description = path_delay_value | full_path_description = path_delay_value size ::= [4, 28, 61, 121] [95LRM 2.5.1] unsigned_number [172] source_text ::= [–] [95LRM 2.1] { description } [173] specify_block ::= [94] [95LRM 13.1] specify [ specify_item ] endspecify [174] specify_input_terminal_descriptor ::= [81, 127, 128, 152, 178] [95LRM 13.3.2] [175] | input_identifier [ constant_expression ] | input_identifier [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] specify_item ::= [174] [95LRM 13.1] [176] specparam_declaration | path_declaration | system_timing_check specify_output_terminal_descriptor ::= [82, 127, 128, 152, 178] [95LRM 13.3.2][177] | output_identifier [ constant_expression ] | output_identifier [ msb _constant_expression : lsb _constant_expression ] specify_terminal_descriptor ::= [23, 195] [95LRM 13.3.2] [178] specify_input_terminal_descriptor | specify_output_terminal_descriptor specparam_assignment ::= [87] [95LRM 13.2] [179] specparam _identifier = constant_expression | pulse_control_specparam specparam_declaration ::= [176] [95LRM 13.2] [180] specparam list_of_specparam_assignments ; statement 15 ::= [1, 56, 64, 89, 133, 166, 182] [95LRM 9.1] [181] blocking_assignment ; | non_blocking assignment ; | procedural_continuous_assignments ; | procedural_timing_control_statement | conditional_statement | case_statement | loop_statement | wait_statement | disable_statement | event_trigger | seq_block | par_block | task_enable | system_task_enable statement_or_null 16 ::= [8, 18, 148, 191, 207] [95LRM 9.1] [182] state_dependent_path_declaration 17 ::= [138] [95LRM 13.3.4] [183] if ( conditional_expression ) simple_path_declaration | if ( conditional_expression ) edge_sensitive_path_declaration | ifnone simple_path_declaration strength0 ::= [36, 149, 150] [95LRM 7.10] [184] supply0 | strong0 | pull0 | weak0 strength1 ::= [36, 149, 150] [95LRM 7.10] [185] supply1 | strong1 | pull1 | weak1 string ::= [19] [95LRM 2.6] " { Any_ASCII_Characters_except_new_line } " [186] system_task_enable ::= [181] [95LRM 2.7.3] [187] system_task_name [ ( expression { , expression } ) ] ; system_task_name ::= [187] [95LRM 2.7.3] $ identifier [188] Note: The $ may not be followed by a space. system_timing_check 18 ::= [176] [95LRM 14.5] [189] ( timing_check_event , timing_check_event , timing_check_limit [ , notify_register ] ) ; | ( timing_check_event , timing_check_event , timing_check_limit [ , notify_register ] ) ; | ( controlled_timing_check_event , timing_check_limit | ( controlled_timing_check_event , timing_check_limit , constant_expression [ , notify_register ] ) ; | ( timing_check_event , timing_check_event , timing_check_limit [ , notify_register ] ) ; | ( controlled_timing_check_event , timing_check_event , timing_check_limit [ , notify_register ] ) ; | ( timing_check_event , timing_check_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit [ , notify_register ] ) ; task_argument_declaration 19 ::= [191?] [95LRM 10.2.1] [190] block_item_declaration | output_declaration | inout_declaration task_declaration 20 ::= [95] [95LRM 10.2.1] [191] task task _identifier ; {task_item_declaration} statement_or_null endtask task_enable ::= [181] [95LRM 10.2.2] [192] task _identifier [ ( expression { , expression } ) ] ; time_declaration ::= [7, 95] [95LRM 3.9] time list_of_register_identifiers ; [193] timing_check_condition ::= [23, 195] [95LRM 14.5.11] [194] scalar_timing_check_condition | ( scalar_timing_check_condition ) timing_check_event ::= [189] [95LRM 14.5] [195] [ timing_check_event_control ] specify_terminal_descriptor [ &&& timing_check_condition ] timing_check_event_control ::= [23, 195] [95LRM 14.5] [196] posedge | negedge | edge_control_specifier timing_check_limit ::= [189] [95LRM 14.5] expression [197] udp_body ::= [199] [95LRM 8.1] combinational_body | sequential_body [198] udp_declaration ::= [34] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.1] [199] primitive udp _identifier ( udp_port_list ) ; udp_port_declaration { udp_port_declaration } udp_body udp_initial_statement ::= [164] [95LRM 8.1, 8.5] [200] initial udp_output_port _identifier = init_val ; udp_instance ::= [202] [95LRM 8.6] [201] ( output_port_connection , input_port_connection { , input_port_connection } ) udp_instantiation ::= [94] [95LRM 8.6] [202] udp _identifier [ drive_strength ] [ delay2 ] udp_instance { , udp_instance } ; udp_port_declaration ::= [199] [95LRM 8.1] [203] output_declaration | input_declaration | reg_declaration udp_port_list ::= [199] [95LRM 8.1, 8.1.2] [204] output_port _identifier , input_port _identifier { , input_port _identifier } unary_operator ::= [19, 52] [95LRM 4.1] [205] + | - | ! | ~ | & | ~& | | | ~| | ^ | ~^ | ^~ unsigned_number ::= [28, 33, 157, 172] [95LRM 2.5.1] [206] decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit } wait_statement 21 ::= [181] [95LRM 9.7.5] [207] | wait ( expression ) statement_or_null white_space ::= [47] [95LRM 2.2] space | tab | newline [208] 3. The outer brackets in term edge_control_specifier are lexical elements; the inner brackets are an optional item. 5. The term full_edge_sensitive_path_description contains an unmatched right parenthesis in Annex A and Section 13.3.3 of the 95 LRM. The examples in Section 13.3.3 of the 95 LRM do not include the final trailing right parenthesis. 7. The two sets of outer braces (four) in the term multiple_concatenation are lexical elements; the inner braces (two) indicate an optional item. 8. The term, non (hyphen) blocking (space) assignment , is referenced as non (underscore) blocking (space) assignment . 9. The term parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description has an unmatched right parenthesis in Annex A and Section 13.3.3 of the 95 LRM. The examples in Section 13.3.3 do not include the final trailing right parenthesis. 12. The construct for procedural_continuous_assignment has a leading vertical bar, | , in Annex A of the 95 LRM. 14. The term real_number has identical entries for the two forms of scientific notation in Annex A of the 95 LRM. In Section 2.5 of the 95 LRM the last alternative uses E (uppercase) instead of e (lowercase). 15. The term blocking (underscore) assignment is defined as blocking (space) assignment . The term non (underscore) blocking (space) assignment is a single term defined as non (hyphen) blocking (space) assignment . The term procedural_continuous_assignments (plural) is defined as procedural_continuous_assignment (singular). 16. The term statement_or_null is equivalent to a statement term (which, when expanded, will be terminated by a semicolon) or the combination of nothing (null) followed by a semicolon. 18. The names of the system timing check tasks are shown in bold in the 95 LRM but are not keywords. 19. Annex A of the 95 LRM defines task_argument_declaration , which is not referenced in Annex A; see the footnote for the term task_declaration . 20. Annex A and Section 10.2.1 of the 95 LRM define task_declaration using the term task_item_declaration , which is not defined in Annex A. Section 10.2.1 defines task_item_declaration similarly to the Annex A definition of task_argument_declaration , but with the addition of the alternative term input_declaration . [ Chapter start ] [ Previous page ] [ Next page ] |
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