Turning made simple by Topsolid Cam 7
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Turning made simple by Topsolid Cam 7

Over the years, I have had many people ask me if there is any value to using a Cam software to program simple turning with.

The argument is always the same.  People feel that they can program the turning far easier at the control of the machine.

I have two arguments against that.

First, when your programming at your machine, your machine isn’t running.  And thus, it isn’t making parts.  And you guessed it…it isn’t making you money either!  But maybe you’re ok with your machine sitting still and not making you any money…

Secondly, when your customer sends you a design change, then what?  You stop your machine, (from making you money) so that your programmers can make the needed change?  I ask, how does that make any sense?

Shouldn’t your goal be to keep that machine running as much as is humanly possible?


And so my answer to the initial question is, “Yes, there is tons of value in using a Cam software to program simple turning parts!”

Let’s look at an example.

And remember, during my example, your machine is constantly running, making parts and making you money!

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