Gary Smith EDA Research: Virtualization, 4Q09 Forecast & 3Q AMS
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Gary Smith EDA Research: Virtualization, 4Q09 Forecast & 3Q AMS

Gary Smith EDA

Gary Smith EDA (GSEDA) is the leading provider of market intelligence and advisory services for the global Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Electronic System Level (ESL) design, and related technology markets.

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Attacking SoC Cost Through Virtualization

Today we are looking at two forms virtualization as a way to keep down the cost of design: Silicon Virtual Prototype (SVP) where we will have an RTL hand-off and Software Virtual Prototype (SoVP), a platform to develop software fairly soon after initial product definition - saving fourteen months in the SoC design cycle.
Purchase: $500

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4Q09 Market Forecast: EDA Sputters Along, but Better Days Ahead

2009 has been a cruel year for the EDA industry with revenue looking to be down following the largest decline for EDA in recent memory in 2008. Though the pain hasn’t been spread evenly across all the vendors, none has escaped unscathed. Despite recent upward semiconductor forecasts, projections for EDA growth became more disappointing as the year progressed.
Purchase: $1,000

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3Q09 Analog/Mixed-Signal Financials

Analysis of revenue, trends in the market and indicators to watch for future growth. 4 Tables reviewing AMS Semi Companies: 3Q09 Earnings, 2008 and 2009; Sequential Quarterly Earnings 2009; 3Q/2Q/1Q Earnings 2009.

Purchase $500

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2009 Market Trends: ESL, RTL and Below, IC CAD and PCB

The Complete Market Trends report includes market share, market forecast and analysis by sub-applications for ESL, RTL and Below, IC CAD and PCB applications. For more information, please review the abstract, detailed table of contents and figures.
Purchase: $10,000


You may also purchase sections of the report:

ESL - $2,000

RTL and Below - $3,000

IC CAD - $2,000

PCB - $1,000



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Analog, RF, and Custom Market Trends 2009

This report will discuss the trends, 2008 market share and forecast for the sub-application sections of ESL, RTL IC CAD and PCB applications.
Purchase: $2,000


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