Geospatial Intelligence Vital In Investigating Malaysia Flight MH17
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Geospatial Intelligence Vital In Investigating Malaysia Flight MH17

Oct 8, 2014 -- Satellite images of the final moments as the Malaysian Plane was shot down on the Russia/Ukraine Border have been released.

Evidence from these images appears to point to separatists supported by Russia as those responsible for the tragedy, after it was revealed that Ukraine did not have any missiles within range of the downed MH17 airline.

However, U.S. intelligence officials said they do not know the identities or even the nationalities of those who launched the missile from an SA-11 surface-to-air battery.

This was the second tragedy to hit Malaysia Airlines after the MH370 was lost, suspected to have gone down off the coast of Australia.

These situations have highlighted the increased reliance on geospatial intelligence to provide crucial information to victims and government agencies. However is there still more that can be done.

At the annual Defence Geospatial Intelligence Conference in January 2014, it was revealed that 50% of the oceans are still not accurately mapped by current geospatial satellites.

In January 2015, Chief Intelligence and Geospatial Officers from over 45 nations will be gathered together as they try to tackle the on-going challenges of mitigating future threats and disasters. Topics to be discussed include Asset Tracking in Support of Emergency Operations – the Case of MH370 with international agencies.

The Defence Geospatial Conference to be held on 19th – 21st January 2015.